
Summary: Jesus’gives us an example of feetwashing.

Feetwashing: An Example To Follow

John 13:1-17

March 20, 2005 PM

Subject: Examples

Central Theme: Why we ought to follow Jesus’ example in


Objective: Every Christian ought to follow Jesus’ example in

feetwashing because of four R’s.

Introduction: One of the Free Will Baptist distinctives is that we

practice the ordinance of washing of the Saint’s feet or

feetwashing. FWB simply believe that Jesus gave us a command

that we should follow. It is more than just a humble heart, it is a

practice that we ought to do.

I’d like to look at the scripture and let’s see together what the

Bible has to say about the practice of feetwashing.

READ John 13:1-17


I. A Rule (command) Given vs 14

“ye ought to wash one another’s feet.”

A. The word “ought” is an imperative. The Strongs dictionary

definition is to be under obligation.

1. I have 12 versions of the Bible that I can look at. Every one

of them has this verse saying the same thing. Most of them use the

word ought.

B. It is an ordinance of the scriptures.

1. An ordinance is a NT command to follow.

2. There are three ordinances of the scriptures.

a) Baptism

b) Communion

c) Feetwashing

3. Some don’t count feetwashing. They are mistaken.

I. A Rule (Command) Given Vs 14

II. A Reference (Example) To Follow Vs 15

A. Jesus is our example.

1. We like to say that Jesus is our example.

2. If it is true, why don’t we wash one another’s feet?

3. Many protestant churches stopped the practice.

4. If Jesus washed feet and told us to do it, then…we ought to

do it.

I. A Rule (Command) Given Vs 14

II. A Reference (Example) To Follow Vs 15

III. A Rationale To Consider Vs 16

A. Servant/Master rationale

1. The Master is greater than the servant

2. The master tells the servants what to do

3. The servant’s job is to do those things that the master cannot

do or will not do.

B. Sender/Sent rationale

1. If someone sends you, then you have a superior instructing


2. If you send someone, then you have a subordinate following

your command.

C. Jesus washed feet.

1. He was a master.

2. He was the one sending.

3. Yet, He washed feet AND He told us to do the same.

4. No one is too good to wash someone’s feet. If God Almighty

stooped to wash the disciple’s feet, we can wash one another’s


I. A Rule (Command) Given Vs 14

II. A Reference (Example) To Follow Vs 15

III. A Rationale To Consider Vs 16

IV. A Reward For Obedience Vs 17

A. Conditional rewards.

1. God blesses us IF we do His will.

2. Feetwashing is no exception to the above rule.

3. Blessings come after we wash one another’s feet.

4. Jesus said, if you DO it, then you will be happy.

V. Conclusion

Objective: Every Christian ought to follow Jesus’ example in

feetwashing because of four R’s.

1. A Rule (Command) Given Vs 14

2. A Reference (Example) To Follow Vs 15

3. A Rationale To Consider Vs 16

4. A Reward For Obedience Vs 17

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