
Summary: The Christian’s responsibility to the church.

Like a parent giving out final words of caution to their child as they leave the house, the Hebrew writer in chapter 13 closes his letter with some important words of exhortation and encouragement. Just because these words are included last does not mean that we should dismiss them as mere afterthoughts. As last minute parental advice is often those things that are most important, so too we should regard these commands as important.

Our text considers the Christians responsibility to the church.


I. Follow the example of strong Christian leaders. Heb. 13:7

A. Consider where their lives are leading them. 1 Cor. 11:1

B. Consider whether you are leading others as they led you.

II. Stand firm in the truth of the Gospel. Heb. 13:8—16

A. Christ and his gospel do not change.

1. Heb. 1:10—12

2. Gal. 1:6—9

B. Continue to praise Christ by confessing his name to others.

1. Matthew 10:26—32

2. Philippians 2:5—13

III. Obey your leaders and submit to their authority.

A. Elders are shepherds of God’s flock. 1 Peter 5:1—4

B. Elders look out for your spiritual interests. Acts 20:28—30

Mitchell Skelton, Minister—Midway church of Christ

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