Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: We win our battles against our compulsion to sin when we depend on the Holy Spirit. We must live by the Spirit to conquer fleshly desires, be led by the Spirit to conquer fleshly deeds, and walk with the Spirit to enjoy the death of the flesh.

The old sinful nature, with its sinful passions and desires, is dead! To be sure, we still carry it around on the inside, but it no longer has any life; It no longer has any power over us. So don’t cater to its passions any more. Don’t give in to its desires.

J. Vernon McGee used to tell a story about a lady in the Deep South who married her childhood sweetheart. They had a good life together until he was suddenly taken by a heart attack. Not being able to part with him, she decided to have him embalmed, put in a chair, sealed up in a glass case, and placed inside the front door of their large plantation home. There he sat, day after day, as she acknowledged his presence with a smile and a friendly wave.

A year or so later, she decided to take a lengthy trip to

Europe. It was a delightful change of scenery. In fact, while in Europe, she met a fine American gentleman who was also on vacation. He swept her off her feet. After a whirlwind romance, they got married and honeymooned all over Europe. She said nothing about ol’ John back on the farm.

Finally, they traveled together back to the States. As they were driving up the winding road to her home, he began to make some plans. He was thinking, “This is my moment to lift my bride over the threshold and carry her back into her home – this wonderful place where we’ll live together forever.” So when they arrived, he picked her up, bumped the door open with his hip, and walked right in. He almost dropped his bride on the floor!

“Who is this?” he asked.

“Well, that is John,” she replied. “He was my old man from…”

“He is history,” her new husband told her. “He’s dead!” And that new husband immediately dug a big hole and buried her old man in it, case and all. (Chuck Swindoll, Grace Awakening, pp.114-115)

That story describes the way a lot of believers treat their old sinful nature. They put it in a case, greet it every morning, and cater to it every day of their lives. They live as if that old sinful nature is still alive, even though it’s dead.

Please, don’t do it. We have a New Husband, who has walked us across the threshold and awakened us to a new life, a new love, a new relationship, and an entirely different future. So cater to him. Seek to please Christ by keeping in step with His Spirit.

Galatians 5:25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. (NIV)

It’s like marching in a marching band. Did you ever see those elaborate marching formations on the football field? It looks complicated, but it’s really very simple. I had a chance to do a little of that when I was in High School. I played trumpet in my high school marching band, and I learned very quickly that all I had to do was keep in step with the person next to me to make it all work.

In the same way, the Holy Spirit walks with us through life. & All we have to do is keep in step with Him. We don’t have to make up our own fancy steps. We just put one step in front of the other as the Spirit shows us how. Just walk with the Spirit, who is very much alive in each and every one of us who has trusted Christ.

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