
Summary: 1. Not interested – OK for you, not for me. Holds many misconceptions about the Bible and Christianity. Have a negative view of religious faith in general. Believe all religions are basically the same. Are generally uninterested in spiritual matters.

1. Not interested – OK for you, not for me. Holds many misconceptions about the Bible and Christianity. Have a negative view of religious faith in general. Believe all religions are basically the same. Are generally uninterested in spiritual matters.

2. Curiously seeking – thinks there might be something to all this, but not sure. Struggles with old biased views of Christianity. Considering the existence of God. Beginning to question the belief that all religions lead to the same God.

3. Searching assertively – searching for the answers, reading the Bible, asking questions, intellectually understands God, but doesn’t have a relationship. Begins attending church services to learn more.

4. Faith commitment – Discovers Jesus is real and personally accessible. May involve a single or series of "aha" moments. Receives the risen Lord Jesus Christ as savior, freed from all past sins and spiritually reborn.

5. Experiencing New Life – Grasps the meaning of the gospel, continues to struggle with changing value system and worldview. Pursues the spiritual relationship, prays regularly. Struggles with assurance of salvation.

6. Growing in Community – growing in intimacy with God through prayer and bible study, has come under authority of biblical values. Experiencing victories over self defeating habits. Begins to share Jesus with others. Discovers that not all Christians are growing.

7. Living Missionally – Lives in God's will for their life. Mentors others spiritually. Studies diligently. Gives generously. Serves the community. Understands the centrality of the gospel to his or her life. Lives a surrendered life to God the Father. Actively and effectively shares Jesus with others.

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