
Summary: The name we are focusing on today is Jehovah Nissi, which means, “God is my Banner.”

Communion. One reason we are told to celebrate the Lord’s Supper is so we will never forget what Jesus has done for us. It’s a time to remember. I hope you’re planning to attend our special “Christ in the Passover” service on Good Friday. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. and we’ll conclude by celebrating communion.

Baptism. Another symbol that helps us remember is the ordinance of Baptism. As individuals are lowered into the water, they are symbolizing the death of Christ, and as they come up out of the water, they are proclaiming that Christ is alive. Our next service will be held on Sunday, May 1st. We already have 12 people signed up. Call the church office if you’re ready to take the plunge.

Let me ask you a question. Whose flag are you flying today? Are you rallied around Jehovah Nissi or are you flying the flag of “me?” I don’t know what you are going through or who your Amalek is, but God will give you the victory if you look to Him. But only if you will wave the white flag of surrender. Atlanta courthouse shooting suspect Brian Nichols finally surrendered after the woman he took hostage read the Bible to him and a chapter from the Purpose Driven Life book. He literally waved a white flag to indicate that he was ready to give up. Are you ready to surrender to the Savior right now?

When Jesus is lifted up, when His banner is over us, there can are no rivals to His throne. I received an email this week that shows the victory that Jesus has won over the hearts of people all around the world. (I removed the gentleman’s name for his protection but have left the grammar the way it is):

“hello brian bill

i am…from pakistan

i came to a website and read your sermon on the john 1:1

as i read it i feel some thing changing my heart and when i read what max lucado wrote about the cave i think in my life i was in that cave and your sermon was the voice and my life has changed i am amuslim when i make comparison with islamic teachings i found what you wrote the perfect and jesus the right way i want to believe in jesus

can you please send me some books to read about jesus more and more

please give me reply”

When this Muslim man figured out who Jesus was, and that He is raised up as a banner, his life changed. Jesus Nissi is the right way, and the only way. His banner over you is love. Are you ready to be changed? Will you surrender to Him and follow His flag for the rest of your life?

I’d like to close by reading something called, “The Christian’s Horizon.”

What do I see as I look back?

Millions of mercies along life’s track;

God’s love shining where all was black;

That’s what I see looking back.

What do I see as I look within?

A heart by my Savior redeemed from sin;

A hope, through His grace, heaven’s joys to win;

That’s what I see, looking to Him.

What do I see looking forth today?

Blessings granted before I pray;

A sheltering arm, a guiding ray,

That’s what I see, looking at today.

What do I see as I look on?

Burdens lifted and trials gone;

A light at every, surpassing dawn;

That’s what I see, looking on.

What do I see as I look above?

God’s own banner, whose name is love;

Love unspeakable, wonderful love;

That’s what I see when I look above.

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Kevin L. Jones

commented on Feb 2, 2016

This series has helped me greatly in my own sermon prep. Thanks for your hard work and making it available to others.

Brian Bill

commented on Feb 3, 2016

K evin, glad it's been helpful.

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