Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: We are called by Christ Jesus to live for today, hope for tomorrow and rest on the promise that Christ is coming in His due time. We cannot fear the future because it is in God’s hands. We cannot fear today because it is in God’s hands. So live and wa

Luke 21: 5 – 11 / Great Signs From Heaven

Intro: Whisper to one person in the congregation the following: “Jesus loves you! Jesus loves me!” --- Caution them to not tell anyone what they have been told. --- How many of you are even slightly curious about what I shared with __________________________? If I told you what I shared with ___________________________ is the most important piece of information I have ever shared with anybody ---- would that peak your interest? ---- I’m not going to tell you!

I. Vs. 7 – “The asked him, “Teacher, when will this be, and what will be the sign that this is about to take place?”

A. Luke records the words of Jesus which were spoken about the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem not about the future destruction of the world as some would have us believe. Those gathered around Jesus wanted to know when. They wanted in on the secret.

B. Luke was aware that the destruction of the temple had taken place in 70 AD about 20 years before he wrote this gospel. It was no secret to those reading his message. So why did he include it in his writings?

C. The central message isn’t about Jesus predicting an event that actually took place. It is about the secret that Jesus reveals to the people gathered, a secret that is revealed to us as well through this text.

II. The popular view of many people is that if God is on our side then everything should be going right. Our life should be free of problems. But this is far from reality for Christians.

A. Jesus didn’t say, “Take up my sack of gold and follow me.” He said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” There is a big difference!

B. The reality is that following Jesus and living your life as a Christian will not stop you from experiencing trouble.

C. Can you imagine what our church would be like if our mission statement was, “The mission of historic First Presbyterian Church is to be opposed, persecuted, betrayed and experience trouble.” Who would want to be a part of such an organization?

III. Vs. 8 – “He (Jesus) said, ‘Beware that you are not lead astray; for many will come in my name and say, “I am he!” and, “The time is near!” Do not go after them.’”

A. Satan was planning to destroy the world. He challenged his assistants to come up with a plan. Anger said he would set brother against brother. Lust said he would replace love and turn people into beasts. Greed advocated his passion for turning loose all the covetous cravings of the spirit. Gluttony, Envy and Jealousy each had their own plans. The last to come said, “I shall talk to people about what God wants them to be. I shall encourage them to follow the plans and purposes of God. However, I shall tell them there is no hurry. Wait until tomorrow. Don’t start until things are more favorable.” Satan laughed and said, “You are the one who shall go to earth and destroy it. You shall be called Procrastination.”

B. The problems we face, the troubles we experience are merely a distraction to God’s future for us. We should see every issue or problem we encounter as an opportunity to be a witness to God’s ability to guide and direct our path.

C. When problems occur, keep focused on God and God’s ways. Instead, we like to fret and worry. I’ve heard it said, “Why pray when you can worry!” And this is exactly the way many people live. They have not yet discovered the secret to living life successfully.

Conclu: We are called by Christ Jesus to live for today, hope for tomorrow and rest on the promise that Christ is coming in His due time. We cannot fear the future because it is in God’s hands. We cannot fear today because it is in God’s hands. So live and wait for the coming not with fear, but with hope.

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