
Summary: Jesus coming has impacted everything! May we keep Christ as our central focus of life.

Video: flash mob Christmas in the mall (Google youtube Christmas Flash mob)

This world would certainly be a different place if Jesus had not come, would it not? Can you even imagine? First of all, this church would not exist. The New Testament would not exist. Christmas and Easter would not exist. Santa Clause, a distortion of the name “Saint Nicolas” who in the fourth century gave gifts to needy children, would not exist. Much of western culture, art, music, values, and history would be totally different. These United States, would not exist, even if this land had been discovered.

Jesus coming into this world has given it texture and shape that continues to unfold and influence, challenge, correct and rebuke it. Jesus coming into this world blesses and gives light like nothing else that has ever happened. No wonder we call Him Savior!

This Christmas I challenge you to let Jesus into your celebrations and invite him into your family gatherings openly and thankfully and unashamedly. Don’t do Christmas without Christ! We have for too long closed our eyes to Jesus coming at this time of year, just because we know that no one knows when Jesus came. We have sought to be unlike all the denominations that focus on Jesus’ birth and have gone instead in the opposite direction so that Jesus has been completely removed from the center of this season and worse, Jesus has been removed from our homes and family gatherings at Christmas and replaced by a world of myths and materialism that, instead of bringing out the best in us, tends toward creating greed in us and our children. I am reminded of the extravagantly expensive weddings of those high profile celebrities who have been living together in sin. An expensive wedding does not a marriage make. Neither can an expensive pile of Christmas presents under a tree replace the meaning of God’s gift of Jesus Christ.

But should we celebrate Jesus at Christmas? Listen, Jesus is the center of every season. Jesus is the center of our very existence. If I can’t do Christmas with Jesus at the center, then I won’t do Christmas at all! Better to toss out the tree and presents and all that unhealthy sugar and fat laden food and gather with family and have only Christ at Christmas, than to have all of that, but no Christ.

What truly creates a happy heart? (Remember Madame Blueberry, you Veggie Tales fans). What truly brings fulfillment and satisfaction? Is it the latest toy or coolest electronic addictive device? Is it the most extravagant feast and wildest party? Does that do it? Is that what brings us real lasting joy and peace?

I dare say that we all know what brings real lasting joy and peace, don’t we? Is it not a life of walking with and sharing Jesus Christ with others in humility and thanksgiving?. Not just at Christmas, not just at Thanksgiving or Easter, not just on Sundays, but a life of walking with and sharing Jesus Christ in humble thanks. That’s where God opens the doors of heaven and shines into our hearts. That’s where the ultimate song of life and love are finally heard and harmonized. That’s where our minds gather in the greatest thoughts and experience the best understandings. That’s where our very bodies fulfill their highest and holiest purpose… walking with and sharing Jesus Christ, 24/7/365.

Jesus left the glories of heaven… he who was rich became poor so that we might become rich. He who had all power and authority became weak and a servant so that we who humble ourselves and serve in His name might receive ultimate power and glory with Him. When did God do this? Was it in December? Yes, and January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November too. Jesus came to us and shared His life with us… His life… all of it, sweat, tears, body and blood. From baby in the manger to body on the cross, Jesus gave us everything! He gave His all. He came. And when He came, He poured out His life unto death… for us. All of it, 24/7/365.

It’s ok to celebrate Jesus at Christmas! It’s not ok to forget Him the rest of the year!

Read Luke 1-2.

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