
Summary: Sermon that challenges believers to look within themselves and make sure that their worship matches their walk

Somewhere there’s a prison where the chains still bind. There, but for the grace of God those walls would still be mine. So, for all the captives I say:

This is how it feels to be free, this is what it means to know that I am forgiven. This is how it feels to be free to see that life can be more than I imagined. This is how it feels to be free.


Notice, the 3rd person is a perfect person. In any church today – this person is not in the pews – He resided on the earth, but died on the cross, rose from the grave, and ascended to Heaven to prepare for you and I a place – because of His great love for you and I. He suffered pain and anguish for our sins, our failures.

You and I are works in progress – If you’ve trusted Jesus – the canvas of your life is being painted. If you’ve never trusted Jesus – the canvas of your life is black – sin-filled – no visual impact of life. Friend – a new beginning is in order for you!

Salvation is not a game or a ritual – it is a way of life

It is not about your title; it’s about your testimony

It is not about your wants, your views, etc.; It’s all about what Jesus/God wants!

Trusting Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life is simple.

Friends – do you want to breathe this morning?

Let everything that hath breath, PRAISE THE LORD!

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