
Summary: Real peace is not the absence of troubles in life but the presence of God in our hearts.


Have peace and do not worry if you fear the Lord your God. Because you are God’s most …


A. Ability (withstand crisis), 2

–-He gave us ability to withstand any trial at any level. He gave us His grace that is sufficient to our situation. The word says, “they will become mighty on earth”. They will become persons of influence and reputation. Because of this, people will look-up to them and will find strength in their faith and in their God.


Israel in the desert for 40 years

Elijah in the days of Jezebel

An ordinary Faithful Christian in times of crisis

B. Prosperity, 3

—“Wealth and riches are in his house.” It’s a declaration and a promise that follows those who remain righteous at all times (“And his righteousness endures forever”).

C. Security, 4-5

—“Light arises in the darkness for the upright…” The righteous is secured in the hope because hope is always alive for them.


A. Stability, 6

—“For he will not be shaken” because the Lord is on his side. The Lord has promised that he will never leave you nor forsake you.

B. Steadfastness (Dedication & Resoluteness), 7

—“He will not fear evil tidings.” Even the bad news will not affect you because you have the good news in your heart all the time. Your heart trusts in the Lord.


A. Victory, 8

—“His heat will be upheld…until he looks with satisfaction on his adversaries.” He will see his victories over the things that bothered and tried to take him away from the Lord.

B. Eternity, 9

—“He will be exalted in honor” All the things that he has done in obedience to God’s commandment will be rewarded for eternity. He will be honored among men before the throne of God in heaven.

C. Validity (of His words and our testimony), 10—“The wicked will see it and be vexed…” They will see that God’s word and our testimonies about God are true. But it was too late for them to repent and believe.


Do you really fear the Lord? How do you fear the Lord?

“Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments” (v. 1)

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