
Summary: David’s life shows how important our brokenness in confession and prayer is to God.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God;

and renew a right spirit within me.”

Everything favored David’s success:

He was a brilliant organizer

He was a brilliant manager

He was a brilliant planner

He was a brilliant battlefield commander

He was also very human.

Three Major Failures in David’s Life

1. He was so involved in public pursuits that he lost control of his family.

1 Kings 1:5-6

2. He indulged himself in extravagant extremes of passion.

2 Samuel 7, 11

3. He became a victim of self-sufficiency and pride.

2 Samuel 24

Three Lasting Lessons

I Prosperity and ease are perilous times, not merely blessings

2 Samuel 10:15-19

II Gross sin is usually at the end of a long road, not a sudden act

2 Samuel 3

III Confession and repentance help heal a wound, but they will never erase all the scars

2 Samuel 12:10-12

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