
Summary: Part 3 in a Bible Study series on salvation. Part 3 examines who we know we are worshipping the right God.

- Hebrews 11:3

This verse says that what we see in the world was made by Christ and that it was not created by what it is seen. In other words, it did not evolve out of something that was here. Jesus Christ made it all, instantaneously.

Genesis 1 tells us God created us, man, in His image. We are special. Evolutionists try to tell us that we evolved from apes, that we are not special, and they trot out “missing links” to prove it.

* Java-man, ½-man, ½-ape. They forget to tell you that this whole animal was constructed from 1 skull cap found in 1891, and 1 human thigh bone found a year later, 46 feet away.

* Nebraska man, which was used in the “Monkey trial,” against creationists in the early 1900’s. They don’t tell you the entire man was invented from 1 tooth they discovered. Years after the trial, the rest of the skeleton was found and it turns out the tooth came from a now extinct kind of wild hog.

* Piltdown Man. Around 1900, he was discovered. That entire man was built around a few bone fragments found in a gravel pit. It was 40 years before researchers discovered that he was nothing more than an elaborate hoax. Several bones were taken from a human skeleton & an ape. They were aged with chemicals to look older, and then they were buried in a gravel pit, only to be uncovered 3 years later by the same man who hid them.

- Genesis 3:20, Eve the mother of all living

- Romans 5:12, by 1 man, sin entered the world, & death by sin.

There is no evolution. Though scientists have tried countless times in their laboratories to create life, they have been unable to. As far as anyone has been able to see, pigs come from pigs, cows have baby cows, ducks have baby ducks, and people have baby people, ever since God made them all. My friends, God is the Creator. He is the Creator of the universe and He created us.

But, because of the Devil’s subtleness, his lies and man’s desire to be his own boss, his own God, many have willingly chosen to deny, in spite of the evidence, that God created them. What does God think of evolution? He thinks it is a sin worth punishment.

2. Fulfilled Prophecy -

Nothing can stop the Bible. It is useless to call it the world’s best seller, though it is because that term implies comparison - and there is nothing that even remotely compares with the Bible in sales and circulation.

The Bible, or parts of it, has now been translated into over 1,100 languages. It is estimated that there are over 200 million Bibles in the world today. Placed end to end, they would make a line 17,000 miles long.

The Bible contains over 2,000 prophecies, which have come true. Some related to events in the kingdoms of the world and most relate to the first coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The Bible predicted that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2), born of a virgin, killed, betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, and that His garments would be divided. They were.

1000 years before the Romans invented crucifixion, the Psalmist prophesied in Psalm 22 that Jesus’ hands and feet would be pierced. How in the world could anyone predict such a thing if our God did not tell Him?

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