
Summary: Whether you made a commitment years ago or have yet to accept Him into your life, there always remains much more to learn about His nature and ways.

How Can I Really Get to Know God? : Hosea 6:6

Introduction: Did you know that God wants to show you more of Himself everyday? Are you seeking after God with all your strength? Does your time with the Lord reenergize you or does it feel more like a ritualistic experience? Repeatedly in Scripture the Lord tells us that while He has no desire for half-hearted religious ritual, He greatly desires hearts that are on fire for Him; those who will joyfully love God and others. “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6).

We will go over six principals that you can practice to better know God. Whether you made a commitment years ago or have yet to accept Him into your life, there always remains much more to learn about His nature and ways.

1. You must come to Him honestly. Confessing our sins and inviting Jesus Christ into our hearts requires us to be vulnerable; yet is the best decision anyone can ever make. God is omnipresent. This means that He is everywhere all the time. His omniscient eyes see everything. He has x-ray vision. There is no reason for us to come to Him without being honest because He knows it before we say it. Tears are just as effective as words at times and God is sensitive to every tear you cry.

2. You must understand your reliance upon Him. Hannah saw God as her only source of comfort and power. “And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish” (1 Samuel 1:10). We must realize that we should regenerate our power from the Lord. When we rely on ourselves, we are always looking for approval from people. We are always looking for someone to notice us. When we rely on the Lord for our strength, we say, “Lord, use me. Let people look at me and see You.” He will comfort you.

3. You must become interested in what interests Him. Has your desire for spiritual insight and godly wisdom declined? If so, ask the Lord to restore your longing for Him and for the things that most concern Him. God tells us that His Word is living. Reading the Bible should not be routine for us. We should be able to read the same stories our whole life and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit get something new out of it every time. God longs for us to know Him.

4. You must know His word. By reading the Bible, you open your heart to Him. He has given you the Holy Spirit to help you interpret the His Word, and He wants you to meditate on it so you can apply it to your life. Once we have an understanding of a part of scripture don’t just set it aside thinking you’ve a grasp on it. No! Meditate on it. Let the Holy Spirit convict you of it. Live it. Teach it. Read it again.

5. You must observe His characteristics and ways. Read the promises that God makes in His word. Ask Him to remind you of how He has already worked in your life. It is vital for the believer to often look in the rearview mirror. It is good, especially in times of heartache, to look how God has delivered you in the past. We to often forget about what He’s done and get caught up in worrying what He is going to do for us now. God’s provision for us is everlasting.

6. You must accept His invitations and follow His commands. God is constantly inviting you to walk with Him. Give the Lord total control of your decisions, your time, your talents, and your possessions. God will always give you the decision to follow Him or reject Him. Live for God acknowledging Him in all your ways. Offer yourself as a living sacrifice. I am not saying to sacrifice yourself as it was done in the O.T. I am simply saying honor God with your whole self. Your actions, your relationships, your hobbies, your thoughts.

Conclusion: Your knowledge of God grows as you increasingly recognize His love for you. God delights in your joyful praise and worship of Him. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” As you get to know God on deeper levels, your ability to trust and obey Him will increase. You will find your life’s fulfillment when you come to know and exalt the Lord of all creation.

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Darren Sirmans

commented on Jul 19, 2010

There is a right time when our heart is the way God wants it. I thank God for disappointments, it only reveals the curse in my arms. And because my arms are short compared to God. I''ve learned in my heart that God used disapointment to strengthen me, but first he''s going to let me tear my self down by trusting in others or other things. I know, since I been calling the name of Jesus, he has drawn so close to me until most of my friends don''t come around me any more, instead they get angry at me for no cause. It''s all a disapointment an opportunity for my heart to hurt and me to call on the name of Jesus.

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