
Summary: Paul praised the God of mercy for healing Epaphroditus from illness. In Philippians 2:25-30 we learn "How God’s Mercy Works" as we see it in action in the lives of Paul, Epaphroditus and Philippian Christians.

He gives them instruction and tells them how to receive Epaphroditus and then mentions that they had a lack of service toward Paul.

In other words, there were a few things these Philippian Christians could learn from this man Epaphroditus. And I might add, that we too could learn as Christians living in the 21st century.

What can we learn? What might Paul have been wanting the Philippian believers to learn?

I think Paul tells us that he really wants them to learn how to Honor Christians whose ministry to the Lord causes them to suffer.

How do we honor men and women whose service has brought them suffering?

1. Think about them some of the time. - v.29

2. Spend some time with them personally. -v.29

3. Set aside some time to study their lifestyle. - v. 30

If you study Epaphroditus’ life there are many things you and I can learn.

1. He was a people lover. - v.25-26 - Paul calls him a minister.

2. He was a risk taker. - v.25, 30 - Paul calls him a fellow soldier.

3. He was a tireless worker. - v.25, 27 - Paul calls him a fellow worker.4.

He was a servant leader. - v.25, 29 - Paul calls him a messenger.

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