
Summary: 4 of 5 in the Series on Money

- I am not saying you dont! I’m just asking if you are willing to give them up, if God leads you to?

2. What is more important to you?

- Where your going to go after church?

- What your going to do next vacation?

- What movie your going to watch next?

- What restaurant your going to eat at next?

- Or what God’s will is for your life?

- If you transfer ownership to Him, He may want to liquidate His assets, in order to make you more profitable to Him.

D. Of our career.

1. God may want to change your career.

- We call ourselves followers of God, but we rebel at the thought of Him telling us what career to follow. We feel like our career is ours to choose!

- Maybe God wants to change your career, or your wages, or your hours! Are you willing to do as He commands?

2. We pray for financial freedom, and then get mad when God answers our prayer.

- What if God answers your prayer by changing your job or career?

- We want freedom so that we can better serve Him, what if He answers by giving us fewer hours? Less money, but more time to serve Him.

3. Often we waste what God does in our life, instead of using it to become free.

- You pray & pray for financial freedom. You ask your boss for a raise, and pray to God that it will be given. Oh God, I am over my head with bills, please let me get this raise.

- God gives you the raise. Do you pay double on your bills? Do you use it to become free?

*** NO!!! You buy a new car, and a new house, and new furniture!! ***

- God gives you overtime. Not just a little, but 20-30 hours a week overtime. Do you see it as a gift from God?

*** Hey, this could be God’s answer to becoming financially free!! ***

- IT’S WICKED; WICKED; WICKED; To use God’s answer of financial freedom, to get more in debt! Or to balk at God’s answer to your prayer.

- Turn over the ownership of your career to God, and He will set you free.

II. Establish Habits That Will Remind You That You Have Transfered All to Him.

A. Three things that remind us of the battle with the flesh, and of our yieldedness to God (all

found in Matthew 5).

1. (Matt. 6:5-8) Prayer is a battle with the flesh, but shows yielding to God.

- If you have ever tried to have a regular prayer life you know that it is a battle with the flesh.

- But, those who are yielded to God will have a regular prayer life, and those who do not pray regularly, are not yielded to God.

- Your prayer life, or lack thereof, is a constant reminder of your current walk with God. You can look at your prayer life and determine how far away you are!

2. (Matt. 6:16-18) Fasting is a battle with the flesh, but shows yielding to God.

- Spiritual fasting is a battle with the flesh. It is a wonderful way to deny the flesh. It builds Spiritual strength, and teaches us to deny carnality.

- Those who yield to God will endure the fast, not enjoy it, but endure it for Christ’s sake.

- You force your body to fast in order to remind your body that you are yielded to God, and are seeking His will, and not the will of the flesh.

3. (Matt. 6:1-4) Giving also is a battle with the flesh, but shows yielding to God.

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