
Summary: Dieting has become the number one thing among people living today. Everyone has taken the initiative to become more and more concern about there physical weight and not the spiritual weight that is bounding them.

F. Hunch you neighbor and tell them: "LOSE WEIGHT AND YOU’LL FEEL GREAT!"

IV. Biblical Characters - They lost the weight....!

A. Woman had a flow of blood twelve years - touched Jesus garment and her issue of blood left her and she lived a healty life. The bible says it was her faith that made her whole.

B. Blind Bartimaeus - Bartimaeus cried to Jesus so loud that the disciples came and asked him to bequiet. Bartimaeus continued to cry and Jesus heard him and told the disciples to bring the man to him. The blind man eyes became opened.

C. Syro-Phoenician woman daughter had an infirmity. She went to Jesus and Jesus called her a "dog!" The woman rested at Jesus’ feet and said, "Even the dogs deserve the crumbs that fall from the master’s table." Jesus loved her humility and her daughter was healed.

V. Close -

A. The church is in the condition it’s in because leaders are doing more sinning that the members are. Pastors have placed the wrong people in leadership because of senority or how depending on how much money they pay in the church. Look at your neighbor and say, "LAY ASIDE THE WEIGHT!"

B. It is time for we as believers to rise and take our place in the body of Christ and be all that God has ordained us to be. I am tired of being an average Christian. I want to be about average, peculiar. I want people to know the God that I serve without carrying a Bible under my arm or speaking in fake tongues. I want the glow the shine so bright that they are converted.

C. God bless you, LOSE WEIGHT! - close!

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