Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Paul gives practical instructions to Titus about teaching the value of mentoring

Last week we talked about the value of relational discipleship. Mentoring—man to man. We saw that Paul wrote Titus with instructions on what to teach to the believers and conditions that should be present that would qualify an older man to be a mentor to a younger man.

We also talked about the emphasis that Paul seems to suggest Titus observe in leadership. An emphasis placed on the priesthood of all believers. In that regard, I suggested that our own fellowship here at McAdenville contained a rich supply of mature believers and that God would use this strength to further His Kingdom.

Tonight, I want to talk with you ladies specifically about what Paul instructed Titus to teach the women. In general, the point for all of us is to be sure that we are on the straight and narrow. Being sure of this, we will have something to share.

Paul begins…

“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”

What does Paul say to teach the older women?

• Reverence

o The emphasis of this word pertains to an attitude of life. The older women were to be taught that all of life is sacred and their daily living was to be such that life was being lived with God in mind and God directed.

• Not to be slanderers or addicted to too much wine.

o A reverent life is one that sees people the way God sees them. God views people with compassion, mercy, grace.

o My brother-in-law just passed along some sayings he had come across. One of them said, “If God doesn’t judge people until they die, then why should you?”

o He mentions slander and addiction together. It seems to indicate the relationship between irreverent behavior and a lack of control.

o Do you ever find yourself losing control in certain situations? I’m not talking about getting drunk. What about in conversation? What about times when anger boils up?

o When we lose control (which is one of the fruits of the Spirit) we find ourselves hurting other people.

o Let me just add on one thing about speech. It is common for people to use expressions with our Lord’s name and not think anything of it. I hear more women than men do this but I have heard some of this even in our fellowship. There can be no power for the one who seeks to invoke the names of our Almighty God or His Son if they are used carelessly or as the Commandment says, “In vain.” Watch carefully what you say. Using God’s name as expression catches on and young believers must learn that His name means everything!

• Teach what is good

o What good? Proverbs 31 lists some things about good (Godly) women:

 Dependable (v.11)

 Hard working (v.13)

 Diligent (v. 15)

 Wise with finances (vs. 16-18)

 Compassionate (v. 20)

 Loved and blessed (v. 28)

 Rewarded (v. 31)

What does that qualify them to teach (really—to guide) the younger women?

• To love

o In the Greek, it uses two separate words to describe the love for husbands and children.

o The love towards husbands has to do with passion—root word “Philadelphia”(perhaps we should leave it at that). In Ephesians 5, where Paul tells husbands to love their wives, the Greek word is a root of “agape”. It seems to indicate that Paul wants people to give the love that expresses most to the opposite sex. Physical expression and simply said, sex, expresses love for men. Sacrifice communicates love towards women.

o The Greek word for love towards children also comes from “Philadelphia”. The emphasis here is on parental duty. Mother’s have tender hearts and could tend to be lenient. Let me quote from the Firestone Wesleyan newsletter I received just today. Pastor Wes Brown writes about drugs in the life of children.

• To be self-controlled and pure

o Younger women need to know that these go hand in hand. We cannot be pure without self-control. Self-control apart from purity is only suppression.

• To be busy, to be kind

o In the busy life of a younger woman (and these days is no different that in Bible times—remember how busy the Proverbs 31 woman was) it can be easy to be worn down. Paul groups these admonitions together to point out the need to be kind in the midst of busyness. They must maintain patience, an appropriate gentleness. Griping, nagging, outbursts do no good.

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