
Summary: Here in the 16th chapter of Luke, you will find the only testimony to be found anywhere of a soul that has died without Christ and gone to hell. It is a pitiful thing to listen to him pleading in hell.

The cry of this young man is heartbreaking. It is a plea for mercy and help with none available. Here a young man finds out too late that you must be born again in order to go to heaven.

Now he makes another plea, but this time it is not for himself, but for his brothers. He now realizes that those brothers who are left behind living and being brought up in the same manner as he was will someday join him in hell if something isn't done. Notice his words, “in my father's house.”

Now this is Father's Day, and I pray that God will help me to say something in this message that will cause some father to turn with his whole family to God before it's too late. What was it about his father's house that caused him to fear for his brothers? What about your house today? Are you the kind of father that has the home that God commands you to have?

I. Fathers are Commanded to Teach Their Children. Ephesians 6:4

1. Much instruction is given to the fathers in regard to raising their children. Most of it is being ignored by millions today.

2. Families have broken down and we can't blame this on the kids. There's a responsibility that rests in the home.

a. Juvenile crimes are on the increase and there is a dark cloud on the horizon of America.

b. We are literally rotting from within.

c. Nothing I know of is going to help drive this cloud away but a burning light in our homes and church.

3. Proverbs 22: 6; train up means an early beginning and its continued effort.

4. It is the command of God that we give our children a Bible education. Psalm 78: 1-7.

5. Deuteronomy 11: 18-21; a choice of a blessing or a curse. Deuteronomy 11: 26-28

6. A father should know his Bible. He should teach it to his children. He should be able to give the plan of salvation.

II. Fathers Commanded to Set the Proper Example. Titus 2:1-8

1. It is easy to tell our children to go to church. To live a good life. But what they need is an example.

2. I've heard men say, “I do certain things, but not in front of my kids.”

a. They know if you curse.

b. They know if you drink, or if you're a moral.

c. They know your attitude toward God.

3. The responsibility for spiritual welfare of children rests upon the parents. Especially the fathers.

4. God committed that child to you. You cannot delegate that responsibility to anyone else. Not to the church, the Sunday school teacher, the preacher, the schoolteacher

5. Men, you have a special responsibility. Deuteronomy 31: 12 when God called the people together, he called for the men first.

6. 1 Samuel 3:11-14; you are responsible for the lives and actions of your children as long as they are with you.

7. As a father, you must realize that you have a greater influence with your children then all others combined. They will act to a large degree in your image.

III. Fathers are Commanded to Take Their Rightful Place as the Spiritual Leader of the Family

1. Ephesians 5:23-24; husband the head of the house.

2. Ephesians 6:4; a command to be a leader and teach the children given to the father.

3. Joshua 24:15; Joshua didn’t ask his household; he made the decision for them. He was the leader.

4. Genesis 18:17-19; same with Abraham.

5. Every example in God’s word where the Father took the place of leadership and responsibility he was supposed to. His whole house was also saved.

a. Acts 16:31

b. Acts 18:8.

c. Romans 11:16

6. Matthew 24:42-43; don’t wait too long, don’t let your house be broken up.

7. What is our choice? Will you put yourself in the place that God intends for you to be or will you one day hear from the lips of your child, send him to my father’s house.

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