
Summary: The most outrageous assertion Jesus ever made was “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by Me.”

But the second country club says, “Anybody who wants in can come in because Jesus has already paid for your membership. Rich or poor, black or white, regardless of your ethnic heritage or where you live, we would love to include you. Entry isn’t based on your qualifications but only on accepting Christ’s invitation. So we’ll leave the matter to you. You decide. But remember, we will never turn you away if you seek admittance.” That’s what Christianity is like.

Now, which country club is being snobbish? Christians aren’t putting on airs; we aren’t saying we’re better than anyone else. As one Christian said, “We’re just beggars telling other beggars where to find food.”

Friends, Christianity is unique. It can’t be reconciled with any other religion. And it backs up its truth claims with the credentials and credibility of Christ. That’s why when He said He is the way, the truth, and the life, history hasn’t laughed. Instead, history has been revolutionized.

But you might be asking, “What about those who live in an isolated place and who haven’t had a chance to hear about Jesus? What’s going to happen to them?” This is one of the most commonly asked questions about Christianity — and, frankly, we don’t have the complete answer. God hasn’t explicitly told us all we’d like to know about this.

But we do know a few things. First, we know from the Bible that everybody has a moral standard written on their hearts by God and that everybody is guilty of violating that standard. That’s why our conscience bothers us when we do something wrong.

Second, we know that everybody has enough information from observing the world to know that God exists, but people have suppressed that and rejected God anyway — for which we rightfully deserve eternal separation from Him.

But we also know from the Bible that those who sincerely seek God will find Him. In fact, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is seeking us first, making it possible for us to seek God. And this suggests to me that people around the world who respond to the understanding that they have and who earnestly seek after the one true God will find an opportunity, in some way, to receive the eternal life that God has graciously provided through Jesus Christ.

I’ve seen this happen in seemingly impossible circumstances. I remember meeting a man who had been raised by gurus in an area of India where there were no Christians. As a teenager, he concluded there were too many contradictions in Hinduism for it to be true. So he called out to God for answers — and in a remarkable series of events, God brought people into his life who shared Christ’s message with Him. And today he’s a follower of Jesus.

There’s something else that’s reassuring, too, which is that God is scrupulously fair. GENESIS 18:25 asks, “Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” It’s comforting for me to know that each person will be judged uniquely and justly, according to what they knew and what they did. After being judged by a loving and righteous God, not one person will be able to walk away claiming that he or she had been treated unfairly.

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John Jones

commented on Sep 15, 2009

A truely excellent sermon piece. It cuts to the heart and gives excellent illustrations. I rarely rate a message with 5 stars, but this one deserves it.

Darren Sirmans

commented on Jul 21, 2010

I''ve never heard it put so transparent as you put it. I believe in my heart- that Jesus is looking out through the glass darkly of the word of understanding. The glass darkly of the word of God on those words are clear without a spot or blemish. I believe you got it in all your getting, you have an understanding that Jesus is the only way.

John Meissner

commented on Jan 13, 2012

An illuminating and fascinating message on John 14:6.

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