
Summary: A sermon on the sixth saying of our Lord from the cross.

B. "Tetelestai" Was A Word Used By Merchants.

To merchants, "Tetelestai," referred to the paying of a debt. If you purchased something, the merchant would take your money and then would give you a receipt of payment. The receipt would say, "Tetelestai - paid in full."

As sinners who were in debt to God for an amount we could never pay, we were in need of someone to pay the debt for us. In Christ, God took it upon Himself to pay for us what we owed to Him, thus making it possible for us, through acceptance of the payment He has made on our behalf to receive a full pardon! No wonder the Bible refers to eternal life as a gift (Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9)! Because it is a gift, it is free. But also because it is a gift, it must be received.

George Wilson was sentenced to hang after he was convicted of killing a guard while robbing a federal payroll from a train. Public sentiment against capital punishment led to an eventual pardon by President Andrew Jackson. Unbelievably, Wilson refused to accept the pardon. Can you do that? The case became so confusing that the Supreme Court was called on to bring about a ruling. Chief Justice John Marshall delivered the verdict: "A pardon is a parchment whose only value must be determined by the receiver of the pardon. It has no value apart from that which the receiver gives it. George Wilson has refused to accept the pardon. We cannot conceive why he would do so, but he has. Therefore, George Wilson must die."

Consequently, Wilson was hanged. God’s grace becomes a pardon from sin only to those who receive it.

Conclusion: In one sense, the work of redemption is unfinished. God wants to bring the salvation Jesus fully paid for on Calvary to the hearts of individuals, and as long as there is one person who has yet to receive the pardon Jesus died to provide them, the work is unfinished.

Some of you have some unfinished business with God. he has completed His part. You need to bring to completion your part by receiving Christ as personal Savior and Lord.

For those of us who do know Christ, our work will never be finished as long as there is one person left in this world who has yet to finish their business with Jesus.

There is only one kind of person in this world - a person for whom Christ died - and you and I are called to go to all them we can to tell them the good news Jesus proclaimed on the day of His crucifixion - "It is finished," the price has been paid - eternal life is a free gift - you need only receive!

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