Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: The three most powerful and victorious words spoken and proclaimed into the world.  IT—IS—FINISHED!


William Akehurst, HSWC

John 19:30 (NKJV) So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

The three most powerful and victorious words spoken and proclaimed into the world.  IT—IS—FINISHED!

On that Old Rugged Cross, the prophecies from the beginning of time were fulfilled…completed…finished…

What was “Finished” at the cross was…

“Confirmed and Guaranteed” at the Resurrection…

“Glorified” at HIS appearing…

“Exalted” at HIS Ascension…

And will be “Vindicated” upon HIS Return!


This is “Confirmed” in the hearts of every believer by the power and presence of HOLY SPIRIT, sealing the promises of FATHER GOD within us, and granting us immediate access to live in the KINGDOM of HEAVEN forever starting in the here and now.


This Easter/Resurrection Sunday, we not only celebrate and proclaim to the nations that HE, JESUS, the SON OF GOD, the LAMB OF GOD is RISEN and our Sins are Forgiven, but also that the hour of decision is now.  We are at a crucial turning point in history, for HE WHO has gone before us, is coming back for HIS Bride very soon.  To GOD be the Glory, Amen.


The LORD’s work is not yet complete.  We have HIS work to accomplish, sharing the Good News to those around us.  While the world may be in turmoil, we can know peace in that THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is in control, turning the gears of the Clock of Time, one cog at a time.  We are in the final season of our final destination, the Message of JESUS’ Salvation is for All People, it is for the Whole World.  We are not to hide it under the bushel…NO! We are to shine all the more… brightly beaming in a world of darkness.  FATHER GOD’s heart is for all to come to repentance and salvation by HIS ONE TRUE GIFT, JESUS.  And this will continue until the Time of the Gentiles is Full.  We are nearing that hour… That next soul saved could be the one!  Even so LORD JESUS, come quickly.


Let’s pray,

FATHER we rejoice in Salvation, our redemption through YOUR Gift Given on our behalf…JESUS CHRIST. We are washed by the Blood of the Lamb. As in the Garden of Gethsemane, the crushing weight of our sin, my sin caused such anguish upon JESUS who was to carry the sins of the world upon himself.  So crushing was that weight that the blood began to shed as sweat drops.  He was bruised, beaten, whipped, and tortured beyond human capacity, who for the joy that was to come, endured the cross, and paid the wages of sin…death, on our behalf.  But death couldn’t hold him, the tomb couldn’t contain him, HE rose as HE said as YOU FATHER raised HIM from the grave. We cling to our Savior, we put our trust, faith and hope in this Lamb of GOD who takes away the sins of the world, our sins, my sins, past, present and future. We have been redeemed, bought for a price, covered by the Blood, and made Righteous through our Savior, Redeemer, and Friend. The ONE whose NAME is above every other name, JESUS of Nazareth, YESHUA our Messiah. Amen and Amen.

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