
Summary: What motivates a secret disciple of Jesus to remain underground? Where do you find those who are secret disciples of Jesus? The answer to these questions about secret disciples may surprise you.

Nicodemous brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes weighing about seventy-five pounds and along with Joseph they wrapped Jesus body with spices in strips of linen, in accordance with Jewish burial customs. The tomb where Joseph buried our Lord was his own new tomb, hewn out of solid stone. It was, in accordance with scripture, the tomb of a rich man. This is an amazing fulfillment of prophecy, considering Jesus had just died a criminal’s death. They placed Jesus body in Joseph’s tomb and then rolled the stone against the entrance of the tomb.

Joseph compared to other disciples

There is an amazing contrast here between the public disciples of our Lord and his secret disciples. At this time one of Jesus twelve disciples, Judas was exposed as a betrayer. All along he was pretending to be a follower of Jesus, but stealing money from the treasury and really being no disciple at all.

When the secret disciples were lovingly preparing Jesus body for burial, Peter was weeping in shame for denying the Lord. The other members of the Sanhedrin remembered that Jesus prophesied that he would rise again in three days and appealed for the guard at the tomb (Mathew 27: 62). This motivated them to make their own visit to Pilate to request the tomb be sealed. Here Joseph could have bumped into the Jews he feared.

There is no record of the public disciples taking any encouragement from this resurrection prophecy after Jesus death and they had all suddenly become the secret disciples. On this Crucifixion day, considered the pivotal day in history, the secret disciple Joseph went publicly and boldly to approach Pilate. His fellow secret disciple Nicodemous was also acting courageously on the Crucifixion day.

A Profile of several Joseph of Arimathea types in India today.

Just as we find secret disciples in strategic and unlikely places in the New Testament we find this true in India today. Below is brief profile of three secret disciples who all hold prominent social position in India today. All three of them like Joseph of Arimathea have, as secret disciples used their position and influence to honor Christ.

Religious Swamiji

We may find Joseph of Arimathea types in Hindu religious holy places. I met one such Hindu Swamiji who I had heard was inviting believers to his Temple to discuss Jesus, the Bible and to have prayer. I was thankful for the opportunity to sit with him and discuss matters of faith. People from all over the area looked to this man for spiritual leadership.

His grandfather had built the current standing temple that was the focal point of worship for the area.

He was expected to fulfill a traditional role of prominence during the Hindu festivals. During the festivals he wore a headpiece made of silver that the religious leaders preceding him had worn on the same occasions for two hundred years.

When this Swami was invited to speak at the Christa Jayanthi (Christmas Service) he spoke and quoted the scriptures with evidence of a clear understanding of who Jesus really is and what it means to be a follower of Christ. Then this Hindu Swami made the statement of impact. He encouraged his followers to accept the teaching of the evangelist to follow Jesus.

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Sue Queenan

commented on Oct 31, 2013

Was Joseph of Arimathea present when the Sanhedrin council voted to crucify Jesus and was he one of the voters? I have read where he was not present when the vote was taken but need verification of this. Thank you.

Charles A. Floyd, Ii

commented on Feb 11, 2015

Hi Sue, The Bible does not answer your question, so one cannot speculate whether he was or was not.

Miguel Lahunken

commented on Jun 29, 2017

Thanks to modern medicine, the supreme grand lodge secret can be printed on a bumper sticker: "VAGAL STIMULATION IS AS EFFECTIVE AS LSD". The "chakras" in the trunk of the body are actually muscarinic plexuses that branch off the vagus nerve. The body's chakras are simply plexuses of the parasympathetic nervous system. They are composed of acetylcholine mediated neurons which are especially sensitive to muscarine (called "soma" in India) and therefore these neurons are called muscarinic neurons. The muscarinic neurons in the brain compose what has been called the Sahasrara Chakra. About 90% of the brain is kept dormant by inhibitory neurons which are mediated by seratonin. LSD blocks seratonin and thereby awakens more of the brain. But also, these inhibitory neurons may be overriden by stimulating muscarinic nerves, and therefore have the same effect as LSD. This has been the biggest secret in the Western World. But, in the old Soviet Union a disease of the parasympathetic nervous system called "shamans' disease" was allowed to be open public knowledge. Shamans' disease is an overriding of the inhibitory neurons caused by scar tissue in the parasympathetic nervous system. In the Western World people with shamans' disease have been labled schizophrenics. So now you see, LSD intoxication, shaman's disease, aroused Kundalini, and schizophrenia are all the same thing, an overactive brain. Crucifixion forces enough holotropic breathing to cause body switching backward and forward in time into everyone who had been seen. Waterboarding does the same thing and thereby replaced LSD for the Clockwork Orange treatment.

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