
Summary: There are eternal benefits to walking through life with Jesus. This sermon can be heard at

Today we’re going to take a look at a very special eye-opening journey from Jerusalem to the town of Emmaus.

Luke is the only gospel writer who records this account of two disciples walking on the day of the resurrection.

This walk to Emmaus became more than a physical journey for the two disciples, but also a spiritual journey.

Today’s passage outlines the spiritual journey we must each take to see Jesus as He presents Himself in our lives.

>Listen to Luke’s account of this special walk with Jesus Christ. >Luke 24:13-32<

>As we ponder over this passage, I want to offer 3 simple truths we can learn about our walk with Jesus.

1 – We never have to walk alone.

The two travelers had each other to walk and to talk with, just as we have each other on our Christian journey.

Today’s scripture only names one of the disciples walking on the road that day – His name was Cleopas.

>I believe the second name was omitted in order for each of us to put ourselves in that person’s sandals.

>Put yourself in the place of the unnamed disciple – Where are you going & with whom are you walking?

2 – We don’t have all the answers.

The two travelers were followers of Jesus and believed in what He taught, but still had doubts.

As Christians, we will always have questions, but we must always believe Jesus has the answers.

Jesus has shown us the way to salvation, but in order to grow in Christ, we must continue to seek Him.

3 – He will open the scriptures to us.

Imagine being in that conversation as Jesus discussed the Scriptures and explained how they pointed to Him.

Jesus enlightened them on how all that happened was in accordance with prophesy & was God’s eternal plan.

Every scripture in the Bible points to Jesus Christ – It’s all about His coming into this world to save us.

When walk with Jesus daily, the scriptures will speak to us – Our hearts will burn & our eyes will be opened.

>Another question to ponder: Why were they kept from recognizing Jesus as they walked along the road?

Could be their outward inability to recognize Jesus reflected an inward unbelief of who Jesus really was.

Jesus called them foolish people as he referred to the scriptures and commenced to explaining the prophecies.

Notice how before opening their eyes, Jesus spoke to them in order for them to first open their hearts.

>For Jesus, it may have of the utmost importance that they “walk by faith & not by sight.”

>How does your doubts and lack of faith keep you blinded?

>Now I want to turn your attention to another event in scripture when the eyes of two others were opened.

Adam and Even were living perfect lives in communion with God, but chose to disobey. >Genesis 3:7<

The meal the two shared in the Garden of Eden brought death & decay.

The eyes of man were opened to a world of the darkness of sin, and death.

Adam & Eve went from living in a joyful paradise to living in shame. – They hid from God.

The meal shared in Emmaus brought joy and elation.

Their eyes were opened to a new world shining bright with the light of hope and reconciliation.

Cleopas and his companion went from being sad & confused to being joyful & enlightened.

>As soon as the two disciples recognized Jesus, He was gone…and they said to each other,

“Didn’t our hearts burn as He talked with us on the road & explained the Scriptures to us?”

>These two disciples were filled with a wonderful case of heartburn!

>What about you…Is your heart burning today?

>Make time in your day to Have A Little Walk With Jesus.

>Walk with Jesus and He will open up the scriptures to you?


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