
Summary: The sermon walking which is good for you an walking with God is good as well.

Gen 5:21-24 Just walk it's that simple

1. Walking can solve a lot of problems consider the following

• Do you want to be in better health? Simply walk

• Are you feeling like you're about to flip out? Simply walk

• The baby won't stop crying? Take the baby for a walk

• When I twisted an ankle playing basket ball walk it off

• Feeling stressed, depressed or anxious? Walk it off

• Need to work through a problem with a friend? Walk through it

• Are you lacking inspiration? You need a closer walk

• Age catching up with you? Walk

• Are you spiritually dry? Walk

2. Walking with God solves a lot of problems as well

A. Consider Enoch he walked with God and God took him I

• Think this means god took him to heaven

• Enoch had an issue with the here and now so God because he walked with him God took him

• Enoch had the problem of no desire whatsoever of walking in the ways of this world so God took him

• Walking with God-means we are traveling with God.

3. - Walking in the Spirit or walking with God does not imply "victorious" living or everything is and will be fine generally it is not.

• Walking with God does not imply efficient problem solving,

• Walking with God does however, allows us to know that we are empowered by the unfailing grace of God.

4. I walk with God and that helps prepares sermons. Walking in the gym

• Once was walking in the church at Mullens and came with the sermon I titled "offer them Christ "

• Others walk with God by Singing as they work cleaning mom song as she did dishes I didn't know it but she was really walking with God by singing

• Buck shared he walked with God while hunting seeing the vastness and the beauty of the hills and valleys.

5. We can walk with or without God. Walking with God means we will continue despite confusion and difficulties,"

• We can walk with out God and walk in the flesh

• We can walk without God and walk in hostility towards God

• We can walk with God and have life and peace

• We can walk with God and experience the spirit that raised Christ

• We can walk with God and encounter a Spirit that gives life to our mortal bodies that dwells in us.

• We can Walk with your mind belonging to the Spirit

• We can Walk with our minds belonging to God

6. God desires a walking pardoner will that walking pardoner be you?

• From the very beginning, God had a relationship with Adam and Eve that found them "walking in the garden in the cool of the day" (Genesis 3:8).

• God created man for the enjoyment of a walking relationship that involved companionship, dialogue, intimacy, joint decision-making, mutual delight, and shared dominion.

• God longs to walk with you, which is why his arms of grace have been pulling you into a closer walk with him.

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