
Summary: God could use someone sitting right here in this building, to melt hearts and inspire or change lives!!

Colossians 4:4-6-Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should.

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.

Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.

When someone gets hit by something, you’ll hear people say, “That’s going to leave a mark!”

We many people want to leave a mark on this old world, to be remembered for something they did, something they gave, something they accomplished.

Some people make a difference with the gift for writing, speaking, photography or filmmaking, singing, writing music.

Maybe you never thought about using your talent, or desire or love for those things to

tell your story with words or pictures, or music.

God could use someone sitting right here in this building, to melt hearts and inspire or change lives!!

One person can make a difference…Moody, Graham, Kenndy , Mandela, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King and Lincoln

One person can effect people, influence people, long after they are gone from this world!

We don’t think about it a lot but just by being a good parent, daughter, son, husband, wife, sister, brother or friend, you can leave a mark on the lives of those who you love and who love you!!

There are so many ways, that you and I can make a difference.

How we interact to our neighbors, friends, family and even strangers, in our everyday life leaves a mark, an impression, it might be a good impression, might be a bad impression!!

Sometimes, in our career choices, we can directly or indirectly change the world we live in.

You see, every action, big or small, paid or unpaid, as an individually or as a group has the potential to change lives forever!!

A lifeguard at Schlitterbahn comes in contact with thousands of people, and changes their lives by just quietly watching over them, making sure they all live and go home. That is their legacy…The people who are alive because they did their job well!!

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