Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: What lessons can we learn from Nehemiah about rebuilding, teamwork, and prayer.

Lessons from Nehemiah

Nehemiah 6:1-6:14


This morning we are going to look at the leader Nehemiah.

Nehemiah was a regular person who saw what was happening in Israel and decided that he was going to do something about it.

Saw the need

Let God know he was available

Allowed God to use him.

As we go into the New Year, how many would say that they were available if God calls them to a certain task?

Would say to the Lord, show me what you want me to do?

Nehemiah 6:1-6:14 read from the Bible.

There are so many books written about leadership, mentoring, being available, I cannot even tell you how many of those books I have read over the years.

But the Bible is still the best place to get answers and examples of how and why God uses ordinary people to do extra-ordinary things.

It began for Nehemiah because he looked at his country and weep because the great nation of Israel had been in bondage.

He looked at the ruins of his beloved city that still after 100 years had no walls to fortify and protect them.

After praying and fasting, he went to the king and convinced him that God will show him favor and that again the city can be fortified and protected. God honored his desire and blessed him to accomplish that task. That is the short version of the vision that God gave to Nehemiah.

What had been destroyed for 100 years, God used Nehemiah to build back in 52 days.

I want you to see in his life that God can accomplish things that are impossible with man, and things done that no one except an anointed person of God will have the determination and drive to finish.

Look at the example of Nehemiah as God can use people to accomplish a task , build a church, but also look at the principal for what your going through, what obstacles you face in your own life.

Here are some answers.

God is a builder and transformer (write down)

God is a creator.

He takes joy in his creations. Be creative and create.

For Nehemiah, he saw what was destroyed by sin and evil, and knew that destruction was not consistent with God’s character.

After praying, it did not stop there, he was going to make a difference and he knew God was going to be in it.

God is a transformer-

God is a shaker, motivator, and one that does not want to leave someone in the same way that he found him/her. To say we know God and not see change in our life is to admit that we have not let God in control.

He went on to build those walls around the city which gave them security from their enemies.

There are certain things we can see from Nehemiah in the process of accomplishing these things.

Everyday Distractions-

Everyday in our lives there are opportunities that come along that have the potential of distracting us from the main thing God wants us to do. Sometimes they are good things.

Important things are often sacrificed for urgent things (Did you get that)

Sometimes urgency of others takes us off track of where God wants us to go.

Good things in themselves that become overwhelming.

Nehemiah knew that Sanballat, Tobiah, were out to stop the work he knew that God wanted to get done through him.

Distraction #2- Criticism

Nehemiah was no stranger to criticism.

The whole time he was involved in this project, there were people criticizing and telling him that it could not be done. It was tried before. We don’t do things that way.

His vision was attacked.

His workers were attacked.

His family was attacked.

His God was attacked.

They will try to beat you anyway they can.

Nehemiah prayed that God would give him strength.

He knew as long as God was in it, it was going to get done.

Don’t waste your time and energy on those that criticize.

Focus on God who gives you the ability to complete the task shown you.

Distraction #3- Fear

Some told Nehemiah he should run and hide because some were opposing him and his life was in danger. He was not going to let some opportunities take him off track, he was not going to let negative criticism of others distract him from the vision, and certainly was not going to let fear have him hide and run when he knew it was a God thing!

If it is a divine vision, there will be divine strength given to accomplish whatever is needed.

The wall was finished except for the doors at the gate.

“And the rest of our enemies found out that I had finished rebuilding the wall and that no gap remained-though we had not yet sit the doors in the gate.”

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