
Summary: Christian freedom means walking in the Spirit. Christian freedom is not liberty to indulge in one’s fallen nature or the flesh. To help us recognize when we are walking in the flesh a partial listing of some of the expressions of our fallen nature are giv

It is interesting that the Greek word (pharmakeia) translated sorcery is the word from which we get pharmacy and refers to drugs or the administration of drugs. Drugs used for a sensation or mind-expanding experience open the user up to the sorcery of the spirit world and place one into a satanic utilization that even can lead to demonic control.


People want to be with their own kind. Under the Spirit’s guidance this results in fellowship, the building of community life, the give and take of goods and services and the building of a wholesome social order. But when satan is given power in human relations he turns a paradise into a jungle. It maybe a jungle of concrete steel and stone. But it becomes an in-fighting jungle struggling for survival just the same. Paul describes such tragedy in verses 20b-21a. The nine social evils listed are enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, (21) envying.

Enmities are feeling of hostility or hatred. They express themselves in dark, ugly feeling of bitterness, contempt, or loathing of another person. [Greek abstract nouns are often used in the plural to signify manifestation or demonstrations of the quality denoted in the singular, and thus mean "displays of" or "actions expressing" that quality. [Longenecker, Word Biblical Com. Gal., 253]

Strife is discord, contention or quarreling. The Greek word used here, Eris, was also the name for the goddess of strife. Strife is born of envy and ambition. It is the desire for attention and the compulsion to prove that we are right. Etmologically this word had mainly to do with rivalry for prizes.

God hates those who spread strife and discord (Prov. 6:16-19). The sowing of discord or strife is so serious that Paul wrote in Titus 3:10 that the church should expel a factious person after two warning. Praise God that a person may be saved from such things through faith in Jesus Christ.

Jealousy (zelous) or envy is not just desiring what someone else has but being embittered because some one else has it. If you cannot take pleasure in the accomplishments or abilities of others you are susceptible to jealousy. It also manifests a lack of self-acceptance and thankfulness to God that we have worth and significance in Him because we were created according to His design.

Outbursts of anger, or fits of rage or temper (thymoí). It is temper out of control. The temptation to strike out at anything or one that threatens self interests. The word was used of the rapid burning of dry grass. It flames up quickly like the eruption of a volcano. It is the eruption of unrighteous anger.

Disputes or selfish ambitions (eritheiai) are fueled by envy and pride. It is self-seeking rivalry due to selfish motivation. It is the desire to pull others down who we feel in any way are a threat to us. It displays itself in willingness to get ahead at the expense of others (Phil. 2:3). It was used to describe the man who wants political office not from any motive of service but for what he can get out of it.

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