
Summary: We are called to live in the overflow of God’s love

3. Your efforts are fruitless without love

As Christians, we are called to bear fruit and show ourselves ready to serve Jesus whenever and wherever He sends us. The reality is that our efforts will never amount to anything more than just our human work without the power of Christ’s love as a driving force in our lives.

Are you living in the overflow of Christ’s love?

The Victory of Love (4-8)

Paul gives an exhaustive definition of agape love here and does so with an incredible eloquence that shows that Christ’s love is far more than just talk, it is action. Paul does not give us some long and dull definition of love but rather He gives us a formula for victorious living. As this comes together for Paul he seems to be asking an unstated question: How should a Christian behave?

1. Love is patient

The word that Paul uses here refers to the way we deal with people. Paul says that we are to suffer a long time with other people. No matter what the evil or injury committed against us. No matter how others have neglected or ignored us.

Are you living in the overflow of Christ’s love?

2. Love is kind

The word king means to show favor to others and move beyond hurt and injury. Paul shows that love is strength of grace that allows us to grant forgiveness.

3. Love does not envy

This is not having feelings against others because of what they have - spiritual gifts, position, abilities, possessions or anything else. Love is not begrudging but rather shares in the joys of others.

Are you living in the overflow of Christ’s love?

4. Love does not boast

Paul says that love does not brag or seek recognition. The behavior of love seeks to give, to recognize others, to honor others and applaud when others succeed.

5. Love is not proud

The word here for proud means to be puffed up or conceited. The behavior of love does not look at oneself as being better than others. Love is humble and seeks the best.

Are you living in the overflow of Christ’s love?

6. Love is not rude

Love does not act in a way that is disgraceful or brings shame to the name of Jesus. Love treats people with respect.

7. Love is not self seeking

The Greek word that Paul uses here literally means to worship oneself. This is exactly the problem of modern society because we have become so full of ourselves. The simple reality seeks to serve others, not to be served by others.

Are you living in the overflow of Christ’s love?

8. Love is not easily angered

Paul uses the word that means quick tempered or being ready to take personal offense. Love does not allow the emotions to control and it does not become angry without cause.

9. Love keeps no record of wrong

This means that we cannot think evil of others and continuously focus on the wrongs that we have suffered because this will lead to resentment and bitterness. Love endures evil and keeps its focus on the truth.

Are you living in the overflow of Christ’s love?

10. Love does not delight in evil

Paul says here that love does not take pleasure in doing what is unrighteous. In other words, if we have the love of Christ within us, the ability to do what is wrong still exists but we will make ourselves miserable doing so.

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