
Summary: What kind of life does it take for us to tabernacle with God in High Places?

“…and worketh righteousness…”

Walking up the road to the high places in Christ require that we put forth a lot of effort to get there. It’s not a place that we just get to by accident or by default. It’s not a place where we get to by wishing it, or hoping for it, or wanting it, or believing we are going to get there without some action to make it happen. Getting into the high places in God and living in his continuous presence requires hard work, determination and total commitment.

How many of you would like to have a brand new car sitting out there in the parking lot just waiting for you to get in and take you wherever you wanted to go? Don’t you just wish that it could be true? Don’t you hope that one day you will see it happen? Do you really want that car? Do you believe you will see it and have it one day? Well friend, you can wish, hope, want, and believe for it all you want, but if you don’t get out there, go to work, earn the money to pay for it and then search for it, sign for it, and then maintain it when you get it, you will never have it! Anything worth having is going to require work, effort, time and commitment to make it come true. The same is true in reaching the High Places in your experience in the Lord.

You are going to have to put feet and hands in motion to prove your faith and do some works of righteousness if you are going to dwell in the high places in God.

Have you ever seen anyone fall UP? No! When someone falls, it’s always down, not up! Gravity determines that you won’t fall and then float up. You’re going to come down hard! You will never just float up in God either. Just coasting along in your Christian experience without spending some time in prayer, reading and studying the Word of God and working in the place where God has called you work for Him, will not get you into the High Places in God. You have to work at it and commit to it, then you will see your progress up that mountain. You have to bear fruit that shows your determination to reach the top!

“…and speaketh the truth in his heart…”

You can’t fool God. You can’t pull the wool blanket over His eyes. God knows the very thoughts and intents of your heart! God knows if you mean business or you are just giving him lip service. God knows if you are on fire for him or if you are just a smoking ember that’s growing cold.

We have to be honest with God. Tell him what you feel. Tell him what you think. Let God hear your complaints and your disappointments and your doubts and your fears and your inability to climb higher because of the obstacles in your life. Tell God about it all. You can tell me or some other person but we can’t do a thing about it. God can remove the obstacles or help you overcome them. He wants you to talk to him and ask him for help. God won’t get mad if you gripe to him. He will answer you, even though we don’t always like his answers.

Paul says that we should “pray without ceasing”. Some of us have a motor mouth. We never stop talking. We talk when we should be listening. We talk when we should be watching instead. We just talk, talk, talk and talk some more without really saying much that really matters at all. Why then, can’t we pray without ceasing? Why can’t we talk to God constantly like we can talk to one another? God wants to hear about your vacation. God wants you to talk to him about your troubles and trials. God wants to hear about your zits in life. God wants to hear your voice, even when others don’t, because He Really Cares. So be open and truthful with God. He’s a big God. He can take your bad attitude, your fussing, your griping and He can actually change your heart. God wants his children to talk to him in prayer!

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