Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Believe that the Lord can bring you through

When I was in grade school I had, a problem, in third grade, the teachers couldn’t figure out what my problem was. They would be up at the blackboard, writing things down and I would quickly lose interest. They didn’t understand why I didn’t have an attention span, about the things they would say.

I would always get bad grades at speed-reading, they would flash words up on the screen, and no matter how slow the words went, I would always mess up. Whenever they would show a movie, I wouldn’t watch it. And yet, my homework was always done well. It was a mystery. They wondered is his problem, they wondered. The fact of the matter is I wondered that too.

Finally, one day, they sent a specialist in to evaluate me and they figured it out that the problem was that I could not see. The problem was that I needed glasses.

And I remember my first time I went to visit the eye doctor, and I took the eye test, and he asked me can you see anything up on the screen? I answered him and said no, and then I said to myself that. I can never see anything up on the screen. I just thought to myself as a young child that, that’s how it is and that’s how it’s going to be.

But then he had me to look through some lenses, and a whole new world opened up to me. I picked out the coolest frames I could find, I put on my glasses, and then, I could see, everything was clear.

When the teacher was up in the front, I could actually see what she was doing, so I paid attention. But now I could finally read those words in the speed reading class. I could actually see those movies that were being showed. It was great, to finally be able to see.

It’s not uncommon for people to have problems with their sight. And there are many who lose their sight because of one reason or another. Imagine what it’s like for those people who are born without sight, born blind. If a person is going blind, at least, for a while in life, they were able to see. But what about those people who have never been able to see? They have never seen a color, they’ve never seen the snow, they’ve never seen a tear drop, and they have never seen the brightness of the sun or the glow of the moon. It seems as thou the whole world has been shut off to them because they have never had sight. But that’s not the worst of it.

If we were to lend our attention to the bible, the scripture teaches us that, there are two kinds of blindness. 1st there is physical blindness whereas what we think of when we hear the word blind.

But there is another kind of blindness in the Bible, which is called a spiritual blindness. You may ask what is a spiritual blindness.

As we study our Gospel lesson for today I pray that it will give us a better understanding. But for now, I’ll give you a short definition of spiritual blindness.

Spiritual blindness is when a person is not able to see who Jesus Christ really is.

Spiritual blindness is not believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the Savior of the world.

Spiritual blindness is when we are unable to see all of the good things about God that God want us to see.

Spiritual blindness is not being able to see what God has built up that the devil is trying to tear it down by all means necessary.

Spiritual blindness is that you are not able to walk in the light because you are blinded by darkness.

Spiritual blindness is not being able to see a miracle when the Lord God has performed it right before our eyes.

Today we are going to see how Jesus Christ can heal a person, not just of physical blindness, but of spiritual blindness as well.

As Jesus is walking with his disciples, and as he is taking a stroll with them, they reveal that they have a blind spot in their faith. A blind spots is when you’re driving, and that spot right over your left or right shoulder, that you can’t see in your mirrors which could fatally harm you or kill you.

And rather we believe it or not, do you not know that we have some spiritual blind spots? A spiritual blind spot is when a Christian doesn’t really understand something and they can’t see that side swipe that’s coming to destroy them.

Take a look at the disciples. In verses 1-2 it says: “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?”

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