
Summary: The Advent of Christ

But that baby, Abe Lincoln, born in the house of Tom Lincoln one day became president of the United States and changed the course of history and liberated the slaves. One life can make a difference.

Could it not have been on that night in the City of Bethlehem, someone asked, “Well, what exciting thing happened today?” And someone replied, “Nothing exciting ever happens around here, except a peasant girl gave birth to a child in one of the stables.” Terri sings about that in her song, “There’s a new kid in town”.

Listen, Beloved, because of the first advent there will be second advent. There was some discussion about this in our Wednesday night Bible study. Jesus is coming again. There are three different viewpoints for the time of His coming. The first is before the tribulation, the second is mid tribulation and the third is after the tribulation. The Nazarene Church does not take a stand on either of these. Because we just don’t know.

Sometimes when life seems just to heavy I pray, Lord, why don’t you come today? Why don’t you come and take us all home, out of our misery and pain. There will be no death, no more sad goodbyes. Then we will say, It was worth it all, it was worth it.

There is a beautiful song: that says,

“Love divine, all love excelling,

Joy of heav’n to earth come down;

Fix in us thy humble dwelling,

All thy faithful mercies crown.

Jesus thou art all compassion,

Pure, unbounded love thou art;

Visit us with thy salvation;

Enter every trembling heart.

Jesus is God’s love, and we are talking about Love this morning, Jesus is God’s love come down to dwell among us. We celebrate His birth and the great love that He brought to us. The Love of Jesus that compelled Him to the Cross.

Through His shed blood we now have life and life more abundantly. So in our celebration of the Christmas season let us see beyond the glamour and excitement of the Season to Jesus Christ who grew to manhood, taking upon Himself the sins of the whole world, died offering us forgiveness, salvation and peace Do you know Him today, Is He your savior? If not, will you come and give your heart to Him?

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Mark Hambrick

commented on Dec 1, 2012

This is Melvin Newland''s sermon, submitted December, 1994. Good research, but you ought to give him credit.

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