
Summary: Paul has caught the vision of how relationships work best ... always showing concern for that other person’s needs and wants ... loving that other person enough to listen and perhaps change to make things better

Love Promises

Ephesians 5:21-22, 25

As we gather here today for this festive occasion, Paul has some very good advice for you, Mark and Ronalda, as you prepare to begin their life together. Paul writes:

Submit yourselves to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands in the same way you submit to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. -- Ephesians 5:21-22, 25

Paul has caught the vision of how relationships work best ... always showing concern for that other person’s needs and wants ... loving that other person enough to listen and perhaps change to make things better. Paul knew from Christ’s example that love in all its beauty has an eternal dimension which we can enjoy. Mark and Ronalda you have that same vision --discovering how beautiful it is to share dreams, to hear the other person’s hopes, to support each other through joys and sorrows, to submit to one another -- working together to make decisions which affect you both. You trust that your love for each other will be eternal.

After discovering the beauty of that kind of relationship, you have decided to commit yourselves to God and to one another in a public way. In a few minutes you will make promises to one another and to God. And we are privileged to be here to listen in on those promises.

Those promises which you will make are among the most cherished gifts you will give to each other. We, too, have brought gifts for you two special people as we wish you well. But, I would suggest that, you also give us a gift as we observe your promise-sharing. It is the opportunity to examine our commitments to husbands, wives, children, parents, friends and our Lord.

Today, we give all our interest and energy to celebrate with Mark and Ronalda as they move into a new and exciting relationship. Tomorrow and the days following, let Mark and Ronalda’s promises to one another remind us to examine and renew our relationships with one another. Hopefully, our examination and renewal will be as celebrative and joy-filled as this wedding is.

Let us pray: Almighty God, we remember how the presence of your Son brought joy to a certain wedding at Cana in Galilee. We pray that you would use his eternal presence to sustain the joy of this wedding. Grant Mark and Ronalda the patience, courage, hope and love to state and live out their promises to you and to one another. Help us, as brothers and sisters in Christ, to be supportive of them in their new adventure together.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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