
Summary: Our vision of God may be small, blurred, blind or magnified.


We don’t wear our spiritual glasses

We know God can do mighty things, we just don’t see it for ourselves

If you can’t see what He want you to see then look deeper

And get focused

The fearful soul has a right view of God in many respects, but the faithful soul has a right view of God in all respects.

Vision is about good focus PP slide 14

We cannot make God any greater or higher than he is, but if our focus is out, then He is obscured

It’s about time the church really focused on the Lord and not themselves

We have services where we never see God at all

The focus is wrong/blurred

He is always greater than we see or imagine, more vast and incomprehendable

If He isn’t the biggest thing to you and this church, then you are blurred in your vision

Like Is 14 lift your eyes up and see……..

Do people say about us? ‘Their God is mighty and He is displayed in their life and their church’

So what can we as mere humans do?

We can do nothing, but magnify Him

Job had a conversation with God about life when God seemed small and far away

God wanted to know who it was that set the stars in place

Who told the sea to go thus far and no more

What was God doing with job?

He was saying, ‘keep your focus on me’

Take your eyes off your friends, off your family, off your situation

Look at me through spiritual glasses and keep focused despite what’s happening

I know in whose hands I am, and I am persuaded that He is able to preserve me, so that when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

If I go into the fire, I shall not be burned; "I shall come forth." Like the three young men, though the furnace be heated seven times hotter, the Son of man will be with me in the furnace, and "I shall come forth" with not even the smell of fire upon me.

Yes, "I shall come forth," and none can obstruct me because my vision is on Him and I will magnify the Lord

So, what do you see when you look at God?

One who is mighty?

One ready to deliver you from every situation you may find yourself in?

Someone who created all things and holds all things in His hands?


One who is small and cannot possibly deal with your circumstances?

A God who isn’t interested in you as a person?

There’s one more vision I want to bring before I close

Those with no vision, no focus and especially who never magnify the Lord

Slide 15 the blind

The blind not only cannot see God

They cannot experience His presence

And they certainly cannot magnify Him

They don’t focus on the cross and the reason behind it

They have veiled eyes which cannot see the truth


Are you magnifying the Lord?

· To yourself

· To others

He deserves our highest praise for all He has done

Do you have correct vision?

· Of the Lord

· Of yourself

· Of others

· Of Satan

Is your focus correct? If not:

· Read the word to re-focus

· Pray to re-focus

· Praise and worship to re-focus

Always put the Lord magnified in your life

Say this prayer if you are not magnifying the Lord in your life:

Dear Lord,

I admit that at times I see you smaller than my situations; I allow my vision of you to become obscured and I don’t praise you enough for the things you do. Help me to magnify you in my life. Help me to see you correctly. I want those around me to see you too. To see you magnified through my life. Amen

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