
Summary: David tries to cover up his sin,he had to be made over again.

Make me over Again

2nd Samuel 12: 7-16

It was the time when David became involved in the double sin of adultery and murder while he was king. He had walked with God for many years. He had gained a reputation as a prophet, a man who understood the deep things of God; and he had established himself as the long time spiritual leader of his people. Then suddenly, toward the end of his reign, he became involved in this terrible sin. David is forever referenced as a man after God on Heart.

One thing i want to focus this morning is how david tried to cover up his sin.


Later, when David learned that she was expecting a child, he panicked and tried to cover up his actions. He ordered the husband, Uriah, to be sent home from battle, hoping that he would sleep with his wife and the child would then be accepted as his own. But Uriah was a faithful soldier, committed to battle, and though he came home at the king’s orders, he would not go into his own house but slept with the soldiers at the palace and returned to the battle the next day.

David knew that ultimately his sin would be found out so he took another step. That’s always what sin does -- it leads us on deeper and deeper, farther than we ever intended to go. Before the king knew it, he found himself forced into a desperate attempt to cover up his evil. He ordered Uriah, the husband, to be put in the forefront of the battle where he would most certainly be killed. And when news of Uriah’s death reached King David he felt he was off the hook, he had safely covered his sin. But his conscience continued to bother him.

When people are disconnected or out of fellowship with God, they try to replace him with other things or cover up the misdeeds in their life.

We live in a soceity that has mastered the art of cover things up from the White House to the stank store on the corner. To make them feel better in their mind or heart

The world will give the impression it doesn’t need God, that void, emptiness can only be filled by his Spirit, we are his Dwelling Place, His Temple we‘re, the body of Christ, Called out ones.

They try to use the pleasures of the world to fill the void in their lives, even the hurts, pains, trials, tribulations. Their is an cover up.

Then people will even go to the step of physically trying to change themselves to cover up the mess in their lives.

Their are two TV Shows you might have seen Extreme Makeover & I want to be made like an superstar.

People will go to the extreme to change their outer when their is an inner problem. Trying to portray something that their not.

Trying to cover up the pain, brokenness, hurt, void, emptyness. The makeover will only give you temporary feeling.

The world only offers an temporary fix. Take the mask off.

Read the Title of the message

The lord works from the inside to the outside, you have to go in the secret place of the most high so he can perform an work on you.

David recognized he had gotten off track, but went back to the presence of the lord.

Conclude by reading Psalms 51 Verse by Verse

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