
Summary: God has given us the choice: life and blessing or death and curses. Which will we choose?

c. Worship was cut more than half of 2005

d. Missions were cut almost in half

e. Advertising was cut in half

f. Helping Hand (benevolence ministry) was cut by 75%

g. The newsletter will only be sent out twice a month to conserve on the cost postage, paper, and other

miscellaneous supplies that go into making the newsletter

h. In 2005, the church operated $5,000.00 in the red

h. Those budget items don’t show the problem

--They simply show the results of the problem

2. Our average attendance has been slipping for quite some time

--We made a slight rally toward the end of 2005 but overall we’re down

3. The only area we’ve seen any sustained or consistent growth is in attendance in our youth program

--Even there, some of the zeal is beginning to wane

4. The item I’m most reluctant to mention is that the board only extended my contract until the end of


--They’ve told me that if things don’t turn around, they’re going to have to re-consider my position as

your Sr. Minister

a. When I interviewed here, I was told that this congregation wants to grow and is willing to do what

is necessary to grow

b. Without going into excessive detail, I haven’t been convinced of that for quite some time

c. My wife and I have been spending a lot of time examining ourselves and our ministry here as well

as looking at things we can do to help things along in the right direction

--Don’t look worried! I’m not resigning today. But I do believe that you need to know where

things are headed

d. It’s time this morning for everyone of us to examine our own contributions to where FCC is at this

point in time

--Church growth is a partnership: It’s a partnership between the minister, the elders and deacons,

the individual members, and most importantly God.

a. The Bible says that unless the LORD builds the house, the laborers build in vain

b. Paul told the church at Corinth: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”

5. In all honesty, if we let things go the way they’re going now and have been going for quite some time,

here’s what FCC has to look forward to if nothing changes:

a. In 3 ½ to 5 years, half the people here this morning will no longer be with us

b. Within 10 years, there’ll be so few people left that we may as well just turn of the lights and lock

the doors

--It would take a whole lot of convincing for me to believe that anyone here this morning would

want to see that happen

C. However, it’s not all doom and gloom this morning

--The great thing about God is that He’s always willing to offer new life

1. It will take some prayer and repentance on our part but God wants to see this church alive and active

for the kingdom right here in Washington, IN

2. Jesus said, “…I will build my church…”

--If we’ll trust in Christ and submit ourselves to His leadership and to His vision for this congregation,

He can renew us and shape us into what He wants us to be

3. We’re going to be spending our study time in Sunday morning worship looking at what I’m calling

“The Growth Factor” – Scriptural guidelines and practical procedures which will cause us to grow

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