
Summary: this is a memorial service for a Christian Man who’s greatest fears when he came forward was that he would not be able to live the Christian life,

Memorial Service for ___________________

Song -


Thank you from the family for coming and showing your love to our Brother in Christ.

Read Obituary


Song – Amazing Grace


· Romans 8: 28-39

· November 2004, Gary Keso gave his heart to the Lord, in December of last year he was baptized, in our text the Bible says that God has foreknowledge of the decisions that we make and therefore predestines us to be conformed into the image of His Son.

· One of Gary’s greatest fears when he came forward was that he would not be able to live the Christian life,

o we all know that he had many struggles and many battles that he was fighting.

o But the wonderful thing about God is that he does not count on us to do anything for him. It is all about Him.

o He predestines (that means pre determines) that those who accept His son as Lord and Savior of their lives, he justifies (that means we are made just in the eye’s of God) and they will be like His Son.

· Gary’s Battles are over – the second that he slipped into eternity he received the complete reward of eternal life that God promises to us became a reality for him. No more tears, no more pain, no more battles.

· It is comforting to know that Gary is with the Lord; NOTHING can take that from him. Vs. 38-39

· But what really matters is what we do with that information.

o We can find comfort for our loss; we can take steps to continue with our lives.

o But most of all we can see the faith that Gary had, and the reality that he faced that he could not clean up enough, or be good enough to be saved on His own and that he realized that he needed a savior.

· You and I need a savior, we cannot do it on our own either. Though we may all face different battles in this world – we still cannot go it alone.

· This is God’s Word

o It is God’s love letter to the world, to you!

§ John 3:16 says “for God so loved the world that He gave his Only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe on Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.

§ 3:17 say’s “for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved”

Today as we celebrate the life of a dear loved one, a good man as his brother bud has said. Let us remember that Gary did not go to heaven because he was a good man, he was a good man that went to heaven because of what Jesus Christ did in his life and what he is willing to do in yours right now.

Song – Just as I am

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