
Summary: How many of you don’t always know the will of God for situations? In this sermon, we will be discussing discerning God’s will.

Right heart – right wisdom.

Wisdom from God cannot be deposited in a wrong heart.

Prerequisite to know will of God lies in having right kind of heart.

Psalm 51:6-7

How do we have the right kind of heart (v. 7).

Only when a heart is clean by blood can the will of God or wisdom of God be deposited.

Jeremiah said 18 times God refers to wrong condition of heart.

Uncircumcised heart

Evil heart

They were misdirected because of an unclean heart.

I Kings 15:5

You must do right in your heart.

I Kings 3:16

Once you understand the heart must be clean, you do not need a spectacular leading to understand the will of God or divine guidance in any situation.

Your own heart will have the answer because it is clean.

Col. 2:2

We must also pay attention to the tone of the heart.

Job 30:27-31

Mourn v. 28 (heart was depressed)

v. 31

Isaiah 16:11 The inner part (heart) can be like a heart.

When the heart is not in tune, we cannot properly discern the will.

Even in physical, if something is wrong in our heat, it has a murmur or does not beat properly.

When we have the song of the Lord in our heart, we are able to discern the leading of the Lord. That is why worship is so important to get our heart in tune.

Once our heart is in the right condition, then we are ready to follow the promptings or leading of the Holy Spirit.

One way to discern the leading of the Lord is by the desire of our heart!

Mark 11:24 – desire brings about the fulfillment of whatever God has in our life.

Job 31:25 wants the Lord to answer him

Desire is like a seed of revelation for the future. You must locate the right desire and have the right heart to know the right future.

i.e. plant orange seed get orange seed

Daniel 2 – King Nebuchannezer wanted to know the future

The right kind of desire is the seed of revelation for your future.

Through a desire, we are able to discern the will of God.

Judges 5:15,16 his heart was not right before the Lord.

How to discern will of God – promptings of Love (Col. 2:2-3)

Within the heart of man, if we can understand the love, we can discern the leading of God.

Job 31:17

Heb 1l:22

When we have a true heart one that has been cleansed, washed by the water of Word and blood, we will have full assurance of faith. When we have a true heart, we have assurance that we know this is the right way to bee led.

Pray for right condition of heart!

God expresses His desire that His people hearken to His promptings. Psalm 18:8-10

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