
Summary: This sermon focuses on the real,battle the real enemy and the apparel that we should put on for guaranteed success.

Introduction: Last week, we talked about the Devil’s First and Worse Lie.” We also identified Satan as our arch enemy. Our warfare is not physical but spiritual in nature. While we are occupied by the seen world, the unseen world is wearing us out. I shared last week, concerning the marks of demonic possession and activity in the lives of our youth. One point of interest was that believers can be oppressed but not possessed. Tonight; we shall look at the believer’s clothes for demonic warfare. It’s interesting that believers warfare clothes are not his own but God’s. We are taught in the text to put on the “Whole Armor of God.” The solution to satanic evil is God’s armor. The devil wants you in church clothes but God wants you in Christ’s clothes. We need God’s armor more now than ever before. Demonic forces are on the rise. Armor implies warfare.

I. The Emergency (Finally Brethren)

II. The Emphasis (Stand against)

III. The Engagement (Against the wiles of the devil)

IV. The Enemy (The Devil)

V. The Energy (In the Lord and the Power of His might)

VI. The Equipment (God’s Armor)

VII. The Equalizer (Prayer)

VIII. The Essential (Faith)

Above all armor

Put on the other armor but take the shield of faith

Faith is armor for the armor

Faith quenches all the fiery darts.

Faith absorbs the pressure

Faith is essential to survival

Faith is carried by the living soldier

Faith carries the dead soldier

Conclusion: Be sure you have on the right clothes.

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Leon Green

commented on Jun 9, 2017

Dear Pastor Rodney: Thank you for having this sermon here. Interesting that your style is to present an outline, and then, I think, let each of us construct the sermon that the Spirit knows we need on the subject and passage. My only disappointment is that you don't seen to have enough of all this armor on to give us a loving smile in your photograph. May the Lord gift you soon with that. Be well, and show the Victory that you are keeping. Leon

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