
Summary: As Paul uses a farming analogy, what do we need to be doing to see the harvest and what should we anticipate God to be doing?

- farming analogy here.

God’s Part:

- two verbs in this passage that say what God does.

1. God is the One who provides the opportunity.

- v. 5b - “even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one.”

2. God is the One who brings the growth.

- vv. 6, 7.

- Matthew 16:18.

Our Part:

1. I am a farmhand.

- v. 5a - “minister” equals “servant.”

- not a sitter on the porch, but a laborer in the field.

- note that we are not the ones “in” whom people believe, but workers “through” whom people may believe in Jesus.

- Matthew 9:37-38 on laboring in the harvest field, but several other similar passages, too.

2. A farmhand works in the field.

- v. 6a.

- hot, sweaty, back-breaking labor.

3. A farmhand can’t guarantee a good crop.

- v. 7a.

- stay humble.

4. A farmhand can’t take care of the whole farm by himself.

- v. 8a.

- unity of the Body.

5. Each farmhand will get paid separately.

- v. 8b.

- responsibility before God.

- those who say, “Our church is really going” despite the fact that all they do is show up on Sunday morning/as though they’ll be rewarded because the church they attended did well.

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