
Summary: The compelling nature of the Law of Love motivates the believer to seek the higher good.

Introduction: Our text reveals the compelling nature of the Law of Love and its relation to the believer. We’ll discover it has something it keeps, something it seeks, and somethings it reaps. Being impacted by the love of Christ will not leave you as before. It’s life changing work begins deep within the heart and manifests itself in practical ways in the outward life.

I. Love Keeps Short Accounts - vss. 8-9

A. In relation to our neighbor

1. Is forgiving - vs. 8

a. the offended

b. the offender

2. Is observing - vs. 9

a. God’s law

b. the neighbor’s welfare

B. In relation to our Heavenly Father

II. Love Seeks the Higher Good - vs. 10

A. In relation to your neighbor

B. In response to your Heavenly Father

III. Love Reaps Diligent Intensity - vss. 11-14

A. In redeeming the time - vs. 11

B. In casting off hindrances - vs. 12

C. In walking honestly - vs 13

D. In demonstrating Christlikeness - vs. 14

Call to Action:

The Law of Love is not merely lip service, but action oriented.

Is there sufficient evidence that you have experienced God’s love?

Does His love manifest itself in practical ways in your relationships?

It’s not enough to say you love God, if you’re living according to the Law of Love others will know it.

Human love will fail in these endeavors, but God’s love working through you is genuine and unmistakable.

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