Summary: The sixth in a series exploring keys to true victory and freedom in the Christian walk. This message explores the challenge of fighting on when we are weary.

(Extensive inspiration for this message, and this series taken from Francis Frangipane’s "This Day We Fight".)

We are exploring keys to a life of victory. Ways to move past some of the obstacles that have keep us from experiencing true freedom in our walk with Christ. We have looked at past failures, and moving from a focus on what was to a focus on what can be. We have looked at discouragement. That bent we have towards allowing the negative things that enter our life through our senses to settle into our spirit and discourage us. Just two of the many things that can keep us from experiencing true victory and freedom in life.

Today, I want us to explore a question that directly relates to our theme and search for victory (long pause): How long will we wait? Seriously, think about it. In various aspects and scenarios of life, how long are we willing to wait? Let me throw some situations out there, and you tell me what you think. How long are you willing to wait?

- On the telephone, after being put on hold by a customer service representative?

- At a stop light, at 3 in the morning, with no one in sight?

- In a fast food drive through waiting for your order to be taken?

- At a doctor’s office, after your appointment time has already passed?

- What about, on your lunch break, waiting for a co-worker to meet you for lunch?

How long are we willing to wait? It probably varies based on a lot of variables: what kind of mood am I in? What kind of day have I had? What is waiting for me on the other side of the wait?

Different variables factor in to how long we are willing to wait, but they have little impact on the reality that waiting can be draining. It can frustrate us, fatigue us, and weary us. Right? Which is kind of ironic, since it is just. . .waiting.

But did you know that waiting is actually a weapon of Satan’s warfare that he uses to wear us out? To fatigue us? To frustrate us? In fact, one specific passage in the Bible tells us of at least two specific weapons that Satan utilizes for the purpose of wearing us out. Exhausting us. Bringing us to the brink of surrender.

Turn with me to the book of Daniel. Daniel is a unique book. There is the first half that we love to teach our children. Daniel in the Lion’s Den. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace. The whole “we will not bow down” story of faith. Might even get into the handwriting on the wall. Nebuchadnezzar turning into some big hairy, cow like beast. Great stuff. Great Veggie Tales material.

But then, in chapter 7, things turn weird. Daniel moves from interpreting the dreams of others, to just having some strange ones of his own. And the more I began to explore and study these visions and dreams, the greater the risk I saw approaching of getting into all kinds of exegetical work, and interpretation, and theology, and completely running out of time without any practical application.

Well, we can’t have that. Right? Who wants to know God’s word without applying it to our lives today? So you are going to have to research the background and end times meaning of all these visions and dreams on your own, if you are into that sort of thing. What I want us to see today in Daniel chapter 7 is really much more basic than that.

Let’s set the stage a bit. Daniel 7, beginning in verse 1 (read through verse 10). Okay. Like I said. I doubt I’m the only one thinking, this is some weird stuff. Daniel probably needs to lay off the caffeine before bedtime. Right?

But in actuality this is a vision from God. And God provides Daniel with an interpretation of what all this means. But I want us to jump ahead to verse 23, and see what there is to be said about this fourth beast. Daniel 7:23 (read through verse 24).

Okay. You with me so far? If not, don’t sweat it. We are getting to the good part. Verse 25 (read).

Now, look at these words in verse 25. The prophet Daniel is giving us this warning of a time when Satan, through the Antichrist, will look to actually wear down the strength of the saints of God. Future vision stuff. Going to happen down the road, probably at the end of all times, right?

Yet this would be a point I would make today regarding spiritual warfare. Here is my contention: I believe that when we read God’s Word, and read the prophetic images of how Satan is going to move in the end times, we can catch glimpses and clues to how he is already at work today. Heavy stuff, so let me say it again. I believe that when we read God’s Word, when we read the prophetic images of how Satan is going to move in the end times, we can catch glimpses and clues to how he is already at work today.

Think about that for a second, and I think you will agree with me that it makes pretty good sense. Those weapons that Satan will use in the end time battles, are probably not just sitting on the shelf, unused. They are probably already being put into action. Being honed for the great final war. They are probably already impacting our lives, here in 2007.

If that is true. . .if my contention is somewhere close to accurate. . .then what we have revealed for us here is top secret information. I mean, the military loves to get a hold of battle plans, weaponry, and insider information regarding the enemy’s behavior. And Daniel gives us some here.

Look at verse 25 again (read).

Did you see them? Did you see two of the ways that we know Satan is going to work against the saints, and I believe is working against the saints today, to wear us down? Through “changing the times, and the law.” Or as another version puts it, through “alterations in times and law.”

And the express purpose of these changes, alterations, manipulations of time and law are to wear out the saints. But I want us to focus in on the first one of these today. Changes in the time.

Step back with me a little bit. A few thousand years at least. Who is the original definer of night and day? (God) Who is the authority that set in place for the people of Israel the seasons and festivals, and sacred times of reflection and worship? (God) Within whose power do we even find the ability to stop the sun, or as we know now astrologically, stop the earth’s orbit around the sun? (God)

That’s right. God is the creator, definer, and authority of time. But who is the prince of this world? (Satan) It is Satan. In fact, three different times in the gospel of John alone Jesus refers to Satan as the ruler, the prince of this world.

And we also know from God’s word that as time goes on, Satan’s authority is growing and expanding here on earth up until the day of the ultimate battle with Christ.

And as that authority expands, we see here in Daniel that he is even going to be able to begin altering, changing, manipulating time, whether it is religious festivals, calendar times, timing of events, and laws.

And he is going to do this why? To wear out the saints.

You know, fifty-eight times in the Bible, the phrase “how long” is cried out by those who are wearing out. Growing wearing. Satan loves to drag-on the battle with delays. He loves to push back our victory. To hamper our freedom. And if we allow him, he will persist until we wear out. Give up. Quit.

Daniel had to experience this first hand. Turn to Daniel 10. Look at this passage with me. Daniel 10 (read through verse 14).

Poor Daniel. He is praying and fasting, and praying and fasting, and praying and fasting. One week passes. Two weeks pass. A third week passes. Why? Was it because God didn’t hear his prayer? Was it because God was ignoring his prayer?

No, the minute his prayer went up, it was heard, and God sent His angels in motion. But there is a lot of stuff going on up there. And the spirits being sent to minister to Daniel are hampered by Satan’s forces, and time is altered. Delays take place. Daniel finds himself having to. . .wait.

A perfect example of the work of Satan. The battles in the heavenlies causing a change in times, a delay, a period of time that could weary the prophet of God. But unlike Daniel, often we lose patience, and eventually. . .this is so important. . .we reach the point of seeking relief rather than victory.

We live in a society that settles for relief, even if it is temporary, rather than complete victory. We settle for medication, rather than healing. God can use medication. Medication can be necessary and effective. But this is the tag. When we settle for just being medicated, and no longer seek God’s complete healing. When we settle for relief rather than victory, the weariness of the wait can win out.

Healing of our marriages. (i.e. Another pastor recently sharing about his divorce.) The battle of life got too weary. The wait for a healthy, whole marriage was dragged out too long. So he sought relief rather than victory. And in divorce, over the long run, people rarely find either.

If we allow the waits, the changes in time, the delays that Satan throws at us to wear us down, we can fall victim to settling for relief rather than victory.

So how do we achieve full, complete, lasting victory over weariness? How do we keep these delays, these changes in time, these attacks by the enemy which continually drag out the battle from leading to our surrender?

First. . .


Look on the screen for these Scriptures. You can look them up if you desire, but we are going to move quickly. You might want to jot down the references on your outline. The first one is James 1:2-4. Many of us have heard this one before. Read this out loud with me:

“Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.” (MSG)

Catch those words: “don’t try to get out of anything prematurely.” Persevere, or as many translations put it. . .have patience. Because perseverance in trials is what leads to perfection in our lives.

I believe God’s word teaches us that we can not separate patience, perseverance from the life that God desires we live. It is through these times of trail that He molds us and shapes us.

And this is the beauty of it. When we take this mindset, this approach to life. We actually take the alterations in time that Satan intends to utilize to wear us out, and we turn them into moments of growth and grace.

Go home this week, grab a concordance, and look up “patience.” Then look up “perfection” or “perfect”, and look at the connection between persevering through times that are dragged on and becoming the people God would have us to be. Because a second secret to victory over weariness is . . .



God does not operate on earthly economy where what you do is more important than who you are. God is more into being than doing. Again, we need to always understand God’s underlying plan for our lives. Spiritual warfare is a significant part of life on earth for the Christian, but it is not the focus of our life. And it is definitely not the focus of God’s working in our lives.

God’s greatest efforts and energy are not expended in helping us beat back demons. God is continually about the business of making us more and more like Christ. That is what this whole Christian walk is about. Become more and more like Christ.

Look at what Jesus told His disciples. Check out this passage in Luke 10:

“Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (17-20, NKJV)

When Satan is wearing you down in the battle. When you are growing weary waiting for the healing, the financial breakthrough, the emotional peace. Remember, it’s not about the battle. It’s about becoming more like Christ.

Rick Warren was right, but also wrong. In terms of ministry and the church, “It’s not about you.” But in terms of God’s moving and working, “It’s all about you.” It’s not about being some mighty demon slayer, casting out evil spirits, blowing on people and watching them fall over. It’s about being a child of God.

And this one can be turned on Satan as well. (Example of my competitive spirit against someone who doesn’t care if they win.)

When we focus on who we are. When we shift our mindset to that of God. To a mindset that is more concerned with becoming more like Christ than racking up spirit skins, we will begin to experience a greater peace, freedom, and victory. Number three. . .


Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become. . .” What? “Weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not. . .” What? “give up.” (NIV)

Let’s face it, we are reward motivated people. Right? How many of you would be willing to meet me over at the YMCA this afternoon, and join me for a 10 mile run/jog/walk or crawl? 10 miles. This afternoon. Any takers? What if I told you that after you complete the 10 miles, I have $10,000 waiting for you? Anyone willing to give up an afternoon now?

There are times in life when we need to remember that there is a reward, a harvest, a bountiful blessing that awaits us if we don’t quit. If we keep pressing on. If we overcome the weariness of waiting for Jesus to step into the mess of our world, and keep on keeping on.

One more, and this one might not be so much Biblical, as just plain real life. . .


This is a hard lesson for me to learn, but I’m getting there. I still tap my feet. Check my watch. Get a bit ancy. But I am learning more, and more in my life to anticipate alterations. Things do not always go according to my time table and plans. And that is okay, if I will learn to anticipate alterations.

Tuesday: Call that school has been cancelled, kids need to be picked up and head home. Afternoon appointment gets changed. Evening board meeting gets cancelled. School is cancelled for Wednesday.

I have a few choices. I can freak out. Act all important and disrupted. Or live with the fact that life has a lot of alterations.

(Example of my dad always with a book)

Now, I’m not saying all of these delays or activities are the doing of our wonderful enemy Satan, but some of them might be. I mean, don’t you think that when Satan knows our frustrations, our irritations, our impatience, those things that wear us out, that he is going to use those things against us?

So turn the tables. Learn to anticipate alterations to your schedule. What do they say, “Go with the flow.” Talk about having to preach to myself.

So let me ask us again, how long are we willing to wait? To wait for that lost family member to get saved? To wait for the doctors to figure out what is going on inside you? To wait for the day when we can go out to dinner without wondering if it will break our bank? How long are we willing to wait?

Let’s not give into the weariness of the wait. Let’s not let the enemy win the battle of changes in times and laws. This year, let’s win.