Summary: God, our Creator, is the ultimate, final reality behind the veil of mystery that scientists, philosophers, and seekers of every stripe, seek to penetrate. But God initiates his own search to reach out to us in Christ, and to connect us with his Ultimate

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.



Reality TV has risen

in recent 4-5 years

to seize the Entertainment World.

Survivor - captured huge ratings

2-3 yrs ago- a show called the Mole

burrowed into the home of Kate Pahls

a Mariemont grandmother,

and a member of this very church

and the Mole captured a large Cincinnati following

for Reality TV as they competed for the money prize

Temptation Island, Big Brother

And a whole series of spin off imitators....

used ordinary people in a competitive situation

where often there’s some process of elimation

till the final victor emerges with the prize.

What is real?

What is reality?

Question is as old as Aristotle

It makes for fascinating science fiction

like the book I read as a teenager

"The Universe Between" by Robert Heinlein

The disciplines of Philosophy, Science, Theology

have a huge interest in answering the question

"What is reality?"

The world view you adopt about reality

will determine your ethics

your search for meaning & significance

Fasten your seat belt:

We’re going for a ride.

Diving to the microscopic depths of knowledge.

Rocketing to edges of the universe.

We are wide-eyed explorers

on the edges of our seats

hunting for truth, digging for knowledge,

searching for reality.

We want solid foundations, solid facts

We want to find

Knowledge & know it

Truth & Trust it

Reality & Rely on it.

But we fear our Beliefs are Baseless

Convictions are illusions

We wonder if we live in the Matrix world.

1999, co-writers/directors

brothers Andy and Larry Wachowski

produced an action/adventure

science fiction, mind bending movie

called the Matrix:


Basic story line: The world was being run

by a powerful, mechanized, artificial life form,

that totally enslaved human beings,

and strapped people down to harvest them

as a source of energy.

In return, human beings were fed

a computerized world of total illusion

that pumped their brain with the illusion

that they were living an ordinary life of

work, play, love and beauty.

In The Matrix, Neo’s guerrilla training

is conducted via computer simulation.

When Neo asks, "Is this real?"

Morpheus responds,

"What is real? How do you define real?

If you’re talking about what you can feel,

what you can smell, what you can taste and see,

then real is simply electrical signals

interpreted by your brain."

This exchange is what the film is all about.

And it points to a major cultural watershed

that we as Christians dare not ignore.

Cypher (Joe Pantoliano), the Judas figure

in The Matrix, meets with the evil Agent Smith

(Hugo Weaving) at a virtual restaurant and

eats the best-looking virtual steak you’ve ever seen.

"You know," he says, lifting his fork

and eyeing what appears to be

a tasty morsel, "I know that

this steak doesn’t exist.

I know when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain

that it is juicy and delicious.

After nine years, do you know what I’ve realized?"

He takes a big bite. "Ignorance is bliss."


What is reality?

Head for the microscope, and the universe

becomes a mini verse

Peal back the layers of reality

and you find compounds

molecules, atoms, protons, electrons, neutrons

subatomic particles.....

Head for the telescope

and the universe becomes

a maxi verse of ever enlarging bodies

the earth, the moon, the sun, our solar system

suns / stars, galaxies

The visible matter of stars, planets and dust

makes up only 4 percent of the Universe

© Sloan Digital Sky Survey Andrey Kravtsov and Stefan Gottloeber

(Remnant made up of "dark matter" )


In 1998, observations of exploding stars

showed that the Universe is

expanding at an ever-increasing rate.

This was a huge surprise - most experts

thought that the expansion should be slowing down.

More elusive still is dark energy,

a force that makes up roughly three-quarters

of the Universe and is pushing the cosmos apart.


Black holes!


Dark matter!

Is there any ultimate reality:

any first cause,

any sufficient explanation?

In our limitationshow can we know anything

about that first cause?

In our simplistic understandings

how can we ever hope to rise above

our mental limitations to know our ultimate origin.

Will our search pay off

will our quest find an answer?

Whether you peer through the microscope

or the telescope, I submit to you

that the reality awaiting us.

At the end of the search is adequate cause

an intelligent cause

a personal cause

and that reality is God.

The Bible announces good news.

The Creator, the Cause, the Originator

hasn’t waited till we find him.

God the Creator is seeking to Connect with us.

Gen 1:1 NIV In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Notice what it doesn’t say:

In the beginning - Nothing

In the beginning - It

In the beginning - Mysterious Unknown

In the beginning - Supercompressed,

infinitely small, infinitely massive matter

ready to explode in the Big bang

No, it says: In the beginning - GOD.

Peal back the layers of reality

trace back to our ulimate origins,

and you’ll find yourself

face to face with God.


TIME magazine on 2/5/79 article

mentioned a book, God and the Astronomer,

by Robert Jastrow, then director of NASA’s

Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

Goddard suggests that the Bible

was right after all, and that

people of his own kind,

scientists and agnostics, by his description,

now find themselves confounded.

Jastrow writes, "For the scientist

who has lived by faith in the power of reason,

the story ends like a bad dream.

He has scaled the mountains of ignorance;

he is about to conquer the highest peak;

as he pulls himself over the final rock,

he is greeted by a band of theologians

who have been sitting there for centuries."

Title of the Time Magazene article?

= "In the Beginning: God and Science."


I grew up with a special

fascination for a part of the insect world

the world of Ants...

Can remember teasing and playing with ants:

Capture one on my hand;

It would try to walk away... (demonstrate)

It walked through the canyons and crevices

and hills of my hand, w/o comprehending me

or my power over it or why it was there

or what it was doing, or the

nature of my power over it.

My friends, we live our lives

on the finger tip of God’s grace

We’re like the color blind man

who looks at the rainbow

but does not even begin to know

the beauty he is missing..

Reality may be beyond our comprehension

But reality is not bigger than God

God defines reality and God defines

the boundaries of reality.

We must live within the reality God defines.

We must absorb the boundaries

God has established.

Gospel of Jesus Christ

is about God’s search

to save you from temptation island,

and to make you an eternal Survivor.

(Acts 14:15 NIV) We too are only men,

human like you. We are bringing you

good news, telling you to turn from

these worthless things to the living God,

who made heaven and earth and sea and

everything in them.

(1 Cor 13:12 NIV)

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror;

then we shall see face to face. Now I know in

part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

1 Cor. 13:12 (The Message: )

We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting

in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t

be long before the weather clears and the sun

shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as

clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just

as he knows us!

Are Christians deluded fools

who cling to an make-believe outdated myth

of a fantasized heavenly father figure

that offers a delusion of comfort

in a brutal world?

Are human beings just animated chemical beings

in a Matrix world of illusion,

with an inward delusion

that life is meaningful

and that persons are real?

Are we blind to our own insignificance?

The Bible pulls back the curtain

on the Ulimate reality Show.

Behind the curtain of mystery is not the Matrix.

Behind the curtain of mystery is God.

And if we do not connect with God

we are blinded by unbelief.

If we do not seek God, we are hardened in sin.

If we do not find God we are lost in eternity.

If we do not know God, we have no other hope.

Bible Opens: In the beginning, God...

Bible closes with God’s invitation:

(Rev 22:17-21 NRSV) The Spirit and the

bride say, "Come." And let everyone who hears

say, "Come." And let everyone who is thirsty come.

Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift.

You’re Living Life on the finger tips of God’s grace,

Walk carefully on the hands of God.

You’ll see they are nail scarred

from when Christ was nailed to the cross.

Hymn of Invitation

Open My Eyes, That I May See

1. Open my eyes, that I may see

glimpses of truth thou hast for me;

place in my hands the wonderful key

that shall unclasp and set me free.

Silently now I wait for thee,

ready, my God, thy will to see.

Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!

2. Open my ears, that I may hear

voices of truth thou sendest clear;

and while the wavenotes fall on my ear,

everything false will disappear.

Silently now I wait for thee,

ready, my God, thy will to see.

Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine!

3. Open my mouth, and let me bear

gladly the warm truth everywhere;

open my heart and let me prepare

love with thy children thus to share.

Silently now I wait for thee,

ready, my God, thy will to see.

Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine!