Summary: Although we do not need to verbally label people, we need to understand where different people are at in their lives and thinking if we are to significantly help them. We need to develop our people skills and direct them toward growth.

Our Responsibility to Make Judgment Calls

(I Thessalonians 5:14)

1. A New Barna report came out this week (Sept 07):

"The new study shows that only 3% of 16 - to 29-year-old non-Christians express favorable views of evangelicals…

"… Among young non-Christians, nine out of the top 12 perceptions were negative. Common negative perceptions include that present-day Christianity is judgmental (87%), hypocritical (85%), old-fashioned (78%), and too involved in politics (75%)"


2. We have never been on the "what’s hot" list, but we evangelicals are viewed with more contempt than ever.

3. But the article continues:

"Even among young Christians, many of the negative images generated significant traction. Half of young churchgoers said they perceive Christianity to be judgmental, hypocritical, and too political. One-third said it was old-fashioned and out of touch with reality." [source:]

4. I asked myself those questions. Are some of these perceptions based on reality?

|5. The answer, I think, is often yes and no. There is no doubt that the church needs significant improvement.

6. But some of these criticisms reflect a difference of view about absolute truth. We have moved into the Post-Modern era, yet God’s Word is Supra-modern -- always beyond and ahead of the time.

7. Whereas the Golden Rule of Postmodernism is to never judge others, Biblical Christianity mandates that we make tentative judgments about others for the purpose of helping them. Indeed, the quality of wisdom is about making good judgments. That’s why Post-modern strikes many of us as less than wise.

We understand Jesus to condemn judging by a double standard, not judging in particular.

Matthew 7:1-2, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

John 7:24: "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment." Christ here encourages us to judge, and to do so rightly.

1 Corinthians 2:15 says, "The spiritual man makes judgments about all things..."

Paul goes on to scold the Corinthians for refusing to make necessary judgments in 1 Corinthians 6:22, "Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases?"

8. We cannot tell exactly where the line is, but we can detect when one is way across the line is where we must look, and we must search things out beyond the obvious.

• Some believers are weak when it comes to people skills. They are not comfortable with being human themselves and they tend to be unrealistic about others.

• Some people feel too responsible for the behavior of others.

• Cain’s attitude toward his brother is the attitude some Christians take.

• And it is up to us to try to figure out what we can do to help others as they go through life with the Lord. We may not be our brother’s keeper, but we are to be our brother’s helper.

• Note that this urging in verse 14 is given to "brothers," not just leaders.

Main Idea: Although we do not need to verbally label people, we need to understand where different people are at in their lives and thinking if we are to significantly help them. We need to develop our people skills and direct them toward growth.

I. Sometimes Brothers and Sisters Need to Be WARNED (14a)

warn = ??u????? = noutheteo = admonish, warn advise

Romans 15:14 uses this word, "And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able also to admonish one another."

When we admonish, we have to care about those we admonish and help our brothers or sisters find realistic alternatives…


1. Some people are lazy when it comes to work

2. The fear of work

A man told his doctor that he wasn’t able to do all the things around the house that he used to do.

When the exam was complete, he said, "Now, Doc, I can take it. Tell me in plain English what is wrong with me."

"Well, in plain English," the doctor said, "you’re just lazy."

"Okay," said the man. "Now give me the medical term so I can tell my wife."

3. Well, sometimes things are not that simple. According to

"Fear of work: An abnormal and persistent fear of work. Sufferers of this fear experience undue anxiety about the workplace environment even though they realize their fear is irrational. Their fear may actually be a combination of fears, such fear of failing at assigned tasks, fear of speaking before groups at work, or fear of socializing with co-workers.

"Fear of work is termed "ergophobia," a word derived from the Greek "ergon" (work) and "phobos" (fear)."

4. Admonishing assumes an attitude of caring and a willingness to help

B. The UNDISCIPLINED in general

1. The word ataktos and its cognates are used in the NT only in these places. Originally a military term, ‘out of order’, ‘undisciplined’, it came to be used of ‘idle and careless habits’ (Milligan). (Peter Cousins, New International Bible Commentary)

2. The secret to discipline is good routines, positive structure, and healthy habits

3. By enabling people to live irresponsibility through removing negative consequences, we do a disservice…

C. Paul’s urging did not work, so he became HARSHER later (2 Thess. 4:6-12)

But please note, Paul is only writing to those who were part of the church family, he was not trying to police the lost…

II. Sometimes Brothers and Sisters Need to Be ENCOURAGED (14b)

encourage = ????????????? = paramutheomai = encourage, cheer up, console


"The word for “faint-hearted” (NASB, NRSV) or “timid” (NIV, TEV) referred especially to those who were self-denigrating, who had a low opinion of themselves." (Craig Keener, Bible Background Commentary)

B. The Timid need more than VERSES

1. "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7) [note: the word for timidity here is a synonym but not related to the word "timid" in I Thessalonians 5:11]

2. Although sharing a verse can be encouraging, some people need frequent and repeated encouragement…

3. Back in 2002, my 1985 Buick Skyhawk had seen its better days; a trip to Indianpolis and back meant 4 quarts of oil! The vehicle had 5 different oil leaks, and I had to trade it in. Some people are like my old Skyhawk!

C. Perhaps we all get TIMID at times

When life socks you between the eyes and you are shook, it is easy to feel mighty low; we need other believers to help encourage us…

III. Sometimes Brothers and Sisters Need to Be HELPED (14c)

help = ????????? = antechomai = to lay hold of, to hold firmly to

This is a proactive word….(opposite of passive); rather than just guiding them, sometimes we might have to do something…

A. The WEAK (those who are fragile)

1. Weak in the faith: Romans 14:1

"Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters."

2. Weak because life has beaten them down:

Isaiah 35:3-4, "Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you."

3. Weak because they are in a vulnerable situation

B. Wrong to help the UNDISCIPLINED but right to help the weak!

C. Helping the weak is not letting their VIEWS reign

The church is not meant to appease the spiritually weak and propagate their weaknesses; we are simply to take them into account… (weaker brother…)

IV. Sometimes Brothers and Sisters Need to Be OBJECTS of Patience (14d)

patient = ???????????? = makrothumeite = to be longsuffering, patient, considerate

A. EVERYONE needs patience SOMETIMES

"Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction." 2 Tim. 4:2

B. Patience is like a SHOCK ABSORBER

1. a delay of anger

2. a buffer that promotes love

3. Have you ever written a letter or email and then the next day wish you hadn’t?

C. Patience is not LIMITLESSNESS

We walk an extra mile, not an extra 10 miles…