Summary: Pentecost Sunday looking at Acts 2 and what the Holy Spirit says about Jesus and says to us as his followers. Revelation about Jesus and Response to Him

Acts 02:22-47 Basingstoke Baptist What the Holy Spirit Says 11th May 2008

The Gossamer Albatross was a human powered aircraft which on Jun 12th 79 completed a successful crossing of the English Channel.

The aircraft was powered using pedals to drive a large two-bladed propeller.

Piloted by amateur cyclist Bryan Allen, it completed the 22.2 mile crossing in 2 hours and 49 minutes, achieving a top speed of 18 mph and an average altitude of 1.5 metres (5 feet). He landed exhausted after 22 miles on French Coast.

Q? Why hasn’t man powered flight caught on? Never maintain energy!

Jesus Christ calls us to be His disciples.

He knew we could never keep it up by Pedalling our own way through life.

He knew how necessary it was for Him to return to his Father to send His Spirit

Acts 1:8 "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit Comes on you!"

Power to live Christ filled lives! Power to be His witnesses in the world

Often said “It’s not difficult to live the Christian life - its impossible without God’s Spirit!

Q? Are you relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to live your life as a Christian?

Could you be described as a Spirit filled Christian?

Or are you feeling defeated and struggling in own strength?

Today we celebrate Pentecost – The Day Jesus fulfilled His promise.

When the Holy Spirit came – at 9 O’clock in the morning during feast

when timid frightened disciples were filled with joy - looked drunk

when the Gospel was proclaimed with bold clarity, all heard in own language

when 1000s responded to the good news of Jesus Christ

when the Church was born - community of believers created by the Spirit.

We’re part of same community – the same faith in Christ as Saviour and Lord

We share in the same birth right! We too can know God’s power & receive His Spirit.

Look at the message Peter preached that morning:

Notice how the powerful ministry of the Spirit - did two things through Peter:

1. The Holy Spirit revealed Jesus Christ

2. The Holy Spirit brought a response to Jesus Christ.

Revelation and Response. Or put another way ....

1. What Spirit says about Jesus. 2. What the Spirit says to us.


It may seem obvious but must say - The Holy Spirit is a person - not an “it!”

Jesus calls Him "Another" counsellor- “another” of the same kind as Jesus Jn 14:16

We’re told in scripture that the Holy Spirit can be grieved, resisted, lied to, - a person!

We’re also told that He witnesses and also speaks!

We’re talking about someone with personality and with the ability to communicate

The person of the Holy Spirit points always to Jesus.

"He’ll give glory to me". Jn 16:14 He’s not the star, He’s the floodlight

He’s not the TV presenter, He’s the camera man. Hidden pointing to Jesus.

You can tell if someone’s word is prompted by the Spirit if it honours glorifies Jesus.

In Peter’s sermon that first Whit Sunday – He’s not preaching about the Spirit but Jesus!

(i) Jesus ministry v22

"Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.

Miracles: Jesus ministry was full of miracles = dunameis dynamite power

Wonders: Cause astonishment so often people reacted amazement to Jesus

Signs: Often there’s spiritual truth behind miracles. Lazarus Feed 5000, Wine

What does Peter say? "Jesus was accredited by God by these things"

Word ACCREDIT means demonstrate, show off or exhibit.

Power of God at work in Jesus ministry demonstrates Jesus Christ is God’s son!

You want to know who Jesus Christ is, look at His credentials!

You want to know if He truly is God - look at His powerful ministry!

Spirit shows Jesus ministry has God’s seal of approval. It was the Genuine article!

(ii) Jesus’ Death v23. “This man was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and

foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.

On one hand "wicked" men nailed Jesus to cross = "lawless" implies Romans not Jews

Later v36 Holds Jews responsible "This Jesus whom You crucified!"

Men were responsible for Jesus death - but listen the cross was no accident.

Not an emergency plan when things went wrong. Plan B!!

God had planned the cross from before creation! His set purpose & foreknowledge

God knew when He gave us freedom that we’d choose disobedience -

He knew sin must be punished, justice handed out,

Knew that His Son must die if we were to be forgiven & enjoy fellowship with Him.

The Cross was planned by God. Cross didn’t change God from hating to loving us

It was a window in time – where we could see through it the suffering love of God - Love that has been ETERNALLY in His heart for every one of us!

If you are going to make sense of the Christian faith

You must face the truth about the Cross. God planned that cross cos He loves you!

God planned that cross because your sin had to be paid for.

Jesus Cried "It is finished" Not I’m done but I’ve done it!

In France there is a book like our Doomsday book and at the top of each page name of town or village & taxes paid.

Town of Domremy - Across page in red "Taxes remitted for the sake of the maid"

Domremy was the birthplace of Joan of Arc

France honoured her victories by waiving the taxes there.

In the heavenly register - against the name of each of us there is a list of sins

But over the top of many in red is written "Sins forgiven for Jesus sake"

Bills in years gone by were spiked when paid - Tetelestai Paid in full on the Nail!

Jesus had completed His Mission on the cross.

Spirit of God pointing you to the cross – to where sin is cancelled!

(iii) Jesus resurrection

v24 But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.

"It was impossible for death to hold Jesus"

It was a dead certainty that Jesus would rise! Interesting little word

v24"God freed Him from the agony of death"

Word agony means pangs - like labour pain in childbirth

It was as inevitable that Jesus would rise to new life as a mother giving birth

Why? In v25-28 Peter quotes from Psalm 16

Back in scripture David had prophesied the Messiah would not rot in tomb

v26 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.’

You might think in Psalm 16 David was speaking of His own hope.

But v29 Peter points out that David’s tomb is in Jerusalem!! A monument at pool Siloam. His body decayed long ago!

No wonder Jews were affected so deeply by this message

Spirit convicts them Jesus they’d crucified has risen and that He must be Messiah!

The Holy Spirit is underlining the uniqueness of Christ this morning!

In his Ministry Death & Resurrection = Jesus is no ordinary man.

No one else ever rose to life again from death for ever!

Witnesses saw it, the Spirit poured out then and today backs this story up!

If Jesus is alive then you must face the challenge will you trust Him?

How long will you ignore / run away from God’s Son - The Christ?

(iv) Jesus ascension.

v33 Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear.

Jesus wasn’t just revived - He rose from death and ascended to glory.

In words of Paul in Eph 4:8

He ascended like a triumphant general returning victorious from battle

Leading behind Him captives - triumphing over sin and death

As He ascends the throne He shares out the spoils of battle

He sends His Spirit to His people!

The Father gives Jesus the Spirit. Jesus sends the Spirit to His church

Jesus had said "Unless I go away the Counsellor will not Come" Jn 16:7

Unless He first died - Unless He first paid for sin

Unless He first overcame death and defeated the power of Satan

The Spirit could not enter the hearts of men and women

The Cross and Empty tomb prepare the way for the Holy Spirit to come to us

Jesus Ascension to glory demonstrates that he is victorious over sin and evil

Jesus is seated in triumph as Lord at God’s right hand

He Sat down = His work is accomplished! The Spirit may freely come.

If Jesus had failed the Spirit would never have been given!

If Jesus had turned away from the cross, or hesitated we’d still be unforgiven

Unable to receive the life of God’s Spirit within us.

The whole point of Ascension is that Jesus is visibly shown to be Lord

Peter backed that up for His Jewish hearers by ref to David v34-35

The Holy Spirit today brings the same challenge.

Q? Will you acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord?

Some are happy to accept salvation - accept His forgiveness, but unwilling to allow Him to influence their life any further! Are you like that? Resisting the Lordship of Christ?

There are lines you draw. Limits you place.

It’s not enough to accept Him as Saviour, as Christ- He is Lord and Christ! v36

We’ve heard what the Spirit says about Jesus - now it gets personal


Peter immediately brings a challenge

v36 "Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ."

v37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?"

They were literally heart broken. Struck violently, Stunned.

The Holy Spirit’s work always brings conviction - Guilt for failing to believe Jn 16:9

Struck by awful horror they’d crucified and rejected Messiah they so longed for!!

The Spirit’s work continues today - You’ve been hearing about Jesus Called you to consider His ministry, Death, Resurrection and Ascension

This Christ who you crucify! But I hear you say "I wasn’t there - that was 2000 yrs ago!"

But every day you crucify Him! Every day you reject Him, disobey Him , ignore Him, turn Him away! This Christ who you continually crucify - Is both Lord and Christ!

Q? Do you realise the seriousness of what you are doing?

Q? Do you realise this is God’s Son you are rejecting

He is Lord and one day will return and you will have to answer Him.

So you say to me - just as the crowd did then - What must I do?

v38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

(i) Honest recognition. v37 They were cut to the heart.

Recognise you’re wrong all this time. No more running away - just one sin makes you guilty before perfect God

(ii) Radical Change. Repent means not just a change of mind but change of actions too!

Will you on the basis of what God has been saying to you, STOP?

Turn around and turn to God.

Repentance is not something general it must be specific.

John Baptist was specific. He instructed grumbling soldiers to stop, Cheating tax collectors not to steal, The person with plenty to give to the needy.

In other words we’re talking about changes in your every day behaviour.

Peter calls for repentance - its specific - Turn from unbelief and rejection of Jesus

To turn away from unbelief and turn to Christ in faith

Q? Will you be specific with God? Today?

Q? Can you hear His Spirit speaking specifically to you about something?

(iii) Committed Faith. Implied in repentance - turn from sin to God

Seen in the Pentecost crowd v41 "They accepted His message and baptised"

It was a commitment of their lives to Christ - No more pedal power!!!

Religion is DO but the Christian Faith is DONE Believe and receive it.

(iv) Filled with the Spirit The promise is there in v38

You can be changed inside. Pentecost isn’t theory its personal experience!

Ask Him. He’s promised and will fill you, empower you and change you!

(v) Baptised as a Believer. It’s not a Baptist quirk-

In baptism you Identify with Jesus – its done "In Jesus name"

It’s an outward sign of washing. It’s a sign of death and burial and resurrection to new life

Jesus gave very few commands this was one -

He wants you to put the stake in the ground clearly and publicly

Why are you holding back? Is there something you know better than Him?

(vi) Belonging to the Church v41-47

v41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

Added to number Devoted to teaching, fellowship, prayer, breaking bread

No such thing as a lone ranger Christian in NT

Look closely at Acts see how believers were committed to each other

Not satisfied to say I belong to the universal Church - became involved.

Q? What is God’s Spirit saying to you this morning?

Q? What’s He saying to you about Jesus Christ? Saviour and Lord?

Q? What’s He saying about your response?

Q? Are you still crucifying Him?

Or do you respond with a Broken heart? Repentant?

Committed faith? Spirit filled? Baptism? Belonging to His local Church?