Summary: A look at Biblical stewardship

*Intro>There are three impassioned phrases that have entered our common culture from movies starring Tom Cruise.

---In 1993, in “The Firm,” Cruise’s character desperately seeks to be received and forgiven by his wife for some indiscretions on his part, offering his tearful and impassioned apology with the transparent fear that she might never come back to him. He declares his need for her in telling her what he’s learned: ”You complete me.” (And all the ladies say, “Ahhhh.” What a tender moment, huh?)

---His wife’s response is phrase number two, and was recently cited in a national survey as one of the top 3 romantic phrases ever uttered in movies, as she replied, “You had me at hello.”

---But in 1999, in the movie, “Jerry McGuire,” Cruise’s character, a sports agent, is told by his last and biggest client (played by Cuba Gooding) that if he wants to continue as the athlete’s agent he needs to step up to the plate and come through with his promise of a large contract. He tells him that talk isn’t enough. Promises don’t mean anything really. What he told Cruise he needed him to do was to “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”

->It is a phrase that God could also say to us:

----“Do you love Me? Am I the Lord of your life? Then, if should show up in how you take care of the resources I’ve made available to you....SHOW ME THE MONEY!”

-I invite you to open a Bible and turn to Malachi 3.

->The background of Malachi 3 is important to know:

---Israel is being held captive in Babylon because they had neglected their worship and had stopped surrendering their hearts to the Lord.

---So now Malachi speaks from God and tells them, “If you want the pestilence and oppression to be removed, you must return to your first commitment to the Lord, and STOP ROBBING GOD of what’s rightfully His.”

<>It is important also that we realize that 1/6 of the gospels, including one out of every three parables, touches on stewardship.

->Someone has said that the reason Jesus spoke so much on money matters is because money matters.

<>It is, in short, an important principle we need to understand, an important question we need to be able to answer:

<>What HAS God instructed us to do in rightfully handling our resources, our income, our possessions? What ARE the aspects of what our relationship with God should be when it comes to these matters?


---The first two of the concepts closely relate to one another, and the last two relate closely to one another.

---So, first of all, we need to understand the concept of...


<>Simply put, God owns it all, we’re not the owners.

---Ps.50:10 -- “For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.”

---1Cor.6:20 -- “For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.”

---ILL>Years ago, as a boy, I remember attending an air show in Kansas City, where the Thunderbirds, the highly-skilled acrobatic aeronautics team of the United States Air Force presented an amazing exhibition. I remember being allowed to come right up to the cockpit of one of the jets (I doubt that would be allowed in these days of tighter security), and I saw the Captain’s personal name plate on the cockpit window, as well as some personal items (pictures of his wife and children, etc.) inside his cockpit.

-->But do you think for even a minute that that pilot owned the jet? Of course not. It was the property of the United States Air Force.

----No, the pilot got to enjoy the jet, got to experience the power and amazing maneuverability of the jet, and he was responsible for keeping it clean and flying it safely, but he didn’t own it.

->In the same way, God is the owner of ALL things.

---After all, He made them, and He’s the giver and sustainer of life.

->Scripture tells us that “All good things come down from the Father of lights (meaning God the Father).”

->If it wasn’t for the fact that God has chosen to let your heart keep on beating after the day of your birth, you wouldn’t be alive, let alone have any “possessions,” a place to lay your head tonight, clothes to put on your body, a car to ride in to come to worship today, or even be able to enjoy the company of your wife and children.

<>God owns it all, because He created it all.

---ILL>You’ve probably already noticed that at the bottom of the power point slides for every song we sing in the worship service there is a declaration of copyright. It means it’s a declaration of who actually “owns” the rights to the songs we sing.

-----You see, we can sing the songs, but we don’t own the songs. Someone else owns the rights to them and we’re granted permission to sing them so long as we acknowledge the author, the true “owner” of the songs.

<>God actually owns YOU well as everything you have. And He’s loaned you the things you have for your use here on the earth.

-->Coming to grips with this concept of ownership means understand that everything you “have” you have as a result of God’s grace being extended to you.

-->We are in God’s debt for the blessings we enjoy on this earth...because they were His to grant or withhold.

-And the key to them being granted to us has to do with the second concept...


<>God loans it all to us.

---Rom.14:12 -- “So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.”

->Yes, God OWNS all “my possessions,” but sometimes we overlook some of the other areas where we need to acknowledge God’s ownership and our role of being good stewards of what He has granted to us, which includes understanding...


---1Cor.6:19 -- “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?”

---God has “loaned” it to you for your time here on earth, and He expects you to take good care of it.

---->That means don’t pollute it with drugs...which doesn’t only mean marijuana or hard drugs, but also means nicotine, alcohol, and too much caffeine. (That means that Starbucks might not be the best way to be a good steward ... not only because you’re paying $4 for about 25 cents worth of product, but also because you’re loading your body up with caffeine.)

---->It means we shouldn’t “dirty up” our bodies with improper relationships, or by indecently exposing it, showing so much flesh it causes others to stumble from the temptation to lust.

---->It means we shouldn’t damage it by eating bad stuff, abuse it by not getting rest, not giving it the exercise it needs to stay healthy.

---->It means washing it, keeping it clean, keeping it covered, keeping it pure and holy, as the temple of the Holy Spirit it is.

---->And it means the deeds we do while IN our bodies need to be those which glorify God and proclaims His holiness.


---Ps.127:3 -- “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”

---They are gifts to us from God and He expects us to b good stewards of them...

---->Loving your spouse.

---->Raising your children in the nurture and discipline, the teaching and admonition of the Lord.

---->It means we’re not to hurt them, but help them.

------We’re not to neglect them, but love them.

------We’re to teach our children, and lovingly introduce them to their TRUE OWNER, God.


---So long as I’m seeking to fulfill His mission, He’ll supply all the possessions, funds, etc., I need.

---Ph.4:19 -- “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

---So, I need to take care of what God has provided me...and use them as instruments of ministry.**

---->Inviting people over to “my” house and tell them of Jesus.

---->Bringing people in “my” car to hear the good news of Jesus proclaimed and taught.

---->Letting my clothes proclaim God’s being modestly dressed, unashamedly so, and maybe even wearing t-shirts and other clothing items with statements printed on them.

---->Letting my workplace also be my mission field, my platform for proclaiming in word and deed God’s love.

-------That means I should be a good steward of that by being a model employee...working hard, working with integrity.


---We’ll talk more about that in a moment.

-Well, just as the first and second concepts relate closely, so too do the third and fourth ones...**


<>God wants to work through us all.

---Mal.3:10 -- “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.”

---Ex.3:10 -- “Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.”

---Rom.10:14 -- “How...will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?”

---1Cor.10:31 -- “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

<>To properly understand what God wants us to do in regards to our possessions we must understand and learn to appreciate that God has invited us to PARTNER with Him in accomplishing His will!

---It is a partnership in which God does the heavy work, but He calls us to honor our part of the partnership.

---We’re familiar with partnership relationships:

---ILL>If you’re employed, you have entered into a partnership with your employer.

-----Your part of the partnership is to give 40 hours each week of labor...on behalf of helping the company achieve its goals.

-----The company’s part of the relationship is to pay you the agreed upon wage for the 40 hours of labor you gave.

--->But let me ask you some questions:

-----a) How would you feel if, after working 40 hours, your employer came to tell you that instead of giving you the wages you’ve earned, he/she has used your earned wages to, instead, give a fresh coat of paint to the employee lounge? “I’m sure.” he/she tells you, “you won’t mind not being able to feed your kids this week, or pay the electric bill! I just felt it was important to provide a nice place for you to relax during your 15-minute coffee break each day.”

-----------Would that be okay with you?

-----b) How long would you continue to stay in that partnership? How long would you continue to be “stiffed” by your “partner,” your boss, week after week?

---APP>And yet, that’s exactly what you’ve done to God if you withhold His portion of the resources you have been given.

----->You’re basically saying to God: “I know You won’t mind not being able to take care of the missionaries, or pay the preacher...I’m sure You’ll understand that my new boat was more important than paying the rent at the school for the church to meet in...I know You’ll understand that no one can possibly put with a “regular” television, that I just HAD to have that big flat-screen model...and I know You’ll be okay with my family’s having eaten out at restaurants sixteen nights this month and spending more than three times what our regular budget would be for food in the process, because we needed to do that much more than we needed to do in providing our fair share of helping to fund the children’s ministry or youth ministry for everyone’s families and children at the church....Of course, we used YOUR portion of our resources to do all those things, but I’m sure, Lord, You’ll be cool with it and still be our providing Partner like You’ve done in the past.”

<>To understand this concept, we can look at it from a STICK perspective or a CARROT perspective.

--->The bad news is the STICK perspective...the rod of correction.

----The stick perspective spells it out like this...

------>Wanna know why you’re in financial difficulty? Why you’re sick so often? Why your car seems to be breaking down more and more?

---------Because you’ve broken your partnership commitment with God.

------>Simply put, He isn’t going to bless you while you’re being disobedient to Him!


--->In contrast, the good news is the CARROT perspective...the appeal to your higher nature, your purer motives.

----The carrot perspective states these truths...

------->On the positive side, God very much wants to bless pour out blessings on His obedient children.

----------Mal.3:10 tells us, “...Test Me now, prove Me now, if I will not open the doors of heaven and pour out a blessing upon you!”

<>God’s partnership with us is one in which He blesses us and sees that we receive everything we need to function.

--->Our part: We give to Him the first 10% of our income, and live off the 90% that we receive.

--->God’s part, again: He then “stretches” that 90% so that it goes even beyond what the 100% would have done!

--->Then, as a result of believers being faithful in our partnership with God, He funds the work of the church, nothing lacking.


<>God has outlined a specific plan He wants us to follow...and we WILL follow it if He truly is the Lord of our lives, and if we truly desire to partner with Him in accomplishing His mission.

---Mal.3:10 -- ”Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.”

<>The plan He has outlined is as follows:


---We’re to give Him the first portion, the “whole tithe,” giving to God immediately upon receiving anything.

---Mal.3:10 -- “Bring the whole tithe...”

--->Notice, the whole tithe means NOT the “left-overs,” not giving to God AFTER we’ve given to everybody or everything else is paid, and then maybe giving some “tip” to God.

---APP>Do you truly love God?

-------Then put your money where your mouth is... SHOW HIM THE MONEY!

--->I’ve discovered that if you really want to find out what’s REALLY important in our lives, we can look in 3 places:

----1) Show me your “to-do list”!

-------What have you given first priority?

-------What is it you would never consider NOT doing? Then THAT is what’s most important to you.

----2) Show me your “Time Log.”

-------How did you spend the 86,400 seconds God gave you in the past twenty-four hours?

-------How you spent your time is a clear indication of what’s truly important in your life.

----3) The best gauge, though, is when you Show Me Your Checkbook!

-------Show me the money!

-------How did you spend your income? Or, more importantly, how did you spend GOD’S PORTION of your income?

-------Where DID the first 10% actually go? To God’s work, or to something else?

-------You see, if you did anything with God’s portion OTHER than giving it back to God, you disobeyed God.

-------And you’re missing God’s blessing as a result.


---It means beginning by giving Him the first tenth of what you receive...the tithe.

-----Mal.3:10 -- “Bring the whole TITHE...”

---It’s important to understand that the first 10% of everything you receive isn’t belongs to God.

------It’s your part of being a partner with God.

---It’s not yours...not yours to “steal” and spend somewhere other than giving it back to God.


---We’re to give because we love Him...because we see it as our opportunity to partner with Him in His mission.

-----2Cor.9:7 -- “Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

---The actual word translated “cheerful” in 2 Corinthians 9:7 could also be accurately translated “hilarious.”

------It doesn’t mean we should be laughing like a crazy psychotic as we put money into the offering plate, but it means we’re excited about having the opportunity to now partner with God by giving back to Him His portion of what He has allowed us to receive.

---We’re not to give grudgingly, but joyfully, thankful and thrilled to be a part of God’s unfolding mission.

---We’re not to merely give out of duty, not out of fear of the consequences, but out of a grateful heart.

---NOTE: It is why we include a time of giving tithes and offerings as part of our worship celebration, because the offertory time is a time to celebrate and a time to worship.


---It means we’re to give immediately as we receive, giving as part of a developed, on-going discipline.

-----1Cor.16:2 -- “On the first day of every week each of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper.”

---It means giving more than just once a year, more than just giving occasionally, but as a regular discipline.


---Mal.3:10 -- “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house...”

---The storehouse during Malachi’s time was understood to be the temple, where the faithful gathered for worship.

-----As the worshipers would bring their gifts, the priests would store them in the rooms, the storerooms, the vacant rooms set aside for storing and then distributing the items to the priests and other temple workers.

---Today, the storehouse is best understood as the local church, where there is accountability, and where the gifts are used as they should be used for God’s work.


->There are three groups I want to address in closing:

--a) If you’ve not yet received Jesus as personal Lord and Savior, this message was probably hard for you to find ways to apply to your life, but here’s how: The most important concept of all is that you would give yourself to God, accepting Jesus by faith, and surrendering the leadership of your life to Him.

--b) If you’re a Christian and a faithful giver, then blessings on you, and I urge you to continue honoring God.

--c) But if you’re a Christian and yet not a faithful giver, then I encourage you to start giving!

<>Let God pour out His blessings upon you.

------Trust Him, try Him, prove Him.

<>You’ll be glad you did when you SHOW HIM THE MONEY!