Summary: The Lord’s supper is a GREAT AND MIGHTY WORSHIP experience, and I am convinced the Last Supper of Jesus gives us some insights into what it means to be GREAT AND MIGHTY PEOPLE OF FAITH.

In his book, INVITATION TO THE FEAST, Danny Bush says “At the Passover meal with His disciples, directly before His death and resurrection, Jesus changed the meaning of that supper from a reminder of escape from slavery in Egypt to a reminder of the sacrifice He made that brings freedom from the slavery of sin through FAITH in Him. He gave His body and blood so mankind could have eternal and abundant life.” The Lord’s supper is a GREAT AND MIGHTY WORSHIP experience, and I am convinced the Last Supper of Jesus gives us some insights into what it means to be GREAT AND MIGHTY PEOPLE OF FAITH.



The events surrounding this scripture took place during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, in which the Passover was observed. You remember the Passover, don’t you? The Passover was the last event prior to the Exodus of Israel from their bondage in Egypt. Passover was actually the result of the Tenth Plague Moses declared upon Egypt, the Death of the firstborn.

Remember that Moses had been next in line to rule in Egypt as Pharoah. But when God revealed to him the suffering of Israel, Moses went to the desert as a shepherd. Year’s later Moses returned to Pharoah, asking him to free Israel from their bondage. When Pharoah refused, you recall the plagues came, including turning the river to blood, frogs, locusts, boils, hail, darkness and finally the Death of the Firstborn. (Ex. 12) – All the families of Israel were to take a year old, male lamb without blemish or spot, and kill it as a Passover sacrifice. Then they were to spread the blood over the doorposts and lentils of their homes. They were then to stay inside, roast and eat the lamb, with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. The scripture says, “And thus you shall eat it: with a belt on your waist, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. So you shall eat it in haste. It is the LORD’S Passover.” Listen to what the Lord says happens next; “I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. ’Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.”

Now WATCH THIS: “IF YOU DID NOT OBEY, YOU WERE NOT SAVED!” Any firstborn animal or person of Israel NOT inside a home with blood on the doorposts was DESTROYED!

QUESTION? Was it mere coincidence that Jesus chose to eat His “Last Supper” with the disciples in conjunction with the PASSOVER FEAST? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Jesus says in vs. 15,"With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.”

Folks, I am ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that when God asked for that first Passover lamb in Exodus 12, that first sacrificial lamb without blemish or spot – even then – He was preparing the way for JESUS CHRIST – THE ULTIMATE PASSOVER LAMB. Jesus fulfilled perfectly every aspect of the Passover feast. Jesus Christ Himself BECAME the believer’s PASSOVER when He willingly laid down His sinless life and shed His innocent blood to cover and thus vicariously make atonement for our sins! WOW! Somebody ought to say that backwards! WOW!

Just as the Passover represents Israel’s release from Egyptian bondage, Jesus’ death on the Cross provides our release from the bondage of Sin. Anyone can be free from sin’s bondage – by receiving the free gift of God through Jesus Christ. Redemption is FREE but it’s NOT CHEAP! It cost God His only one of a kind Son. It cost Jesus Christ His very life’s blood! Even as Jesus instituted this Lord’s supper, he knew the time was at hand when He would have to SUFFER. “This is My body, which is broken for you…. This cup is the New Covenant in My blood, which is poured out for many, for the remission of sins.” Beloved, don’t you ever let ANYBODY tell you Jesus didn’t know EXACTLY what lie ahead of Him. He KNEW He was about to SUFFER. He KNEW He would be TORTURED …wear a Crown of Thorns…be ridiculed…be humiliated …be spat upon…be slapped…whipped with that cruelest of Roman torture weapons known as a cat of nine tails! He KNEW His hands, His feet, and His side would be pierced. Jesus KNEW He was about to DIE a substitutionary death for all mankind!

Jesus was WILLING to SUFFER – He was WILLING to DIE – for the sake of His Father’s Kingdom – and for the sake of His followers. Jesus UNDERSTOOD SUFFERING FOR THE KINGDOM!

QUESTION? Are today’s born again believers EXPECTED to SUFFER for JESUS? ABSOLUTELY! Jesus expects you and me to be ready and willing and expecting to suffer for Him!

I’ve seen some statistics from Barna Research - 7 out of 10 people in the U.S. who CLAIM to be born again Christians - do NOT attend church at ALL and do NOT open a Bible even once per week! Our problem is – we’ve got too many MEALY-MOUTHED Christians in our world! We’ve got too many WEAK-KNEED Christians in our world. I see far too many weak-stomached Christians around here! In my ministry I’ve met more TWO FACED and TWO TONGUED Christians than I care to count! There are more CARNAL Christians in our world than Paul could ever have imagined! As I see it, our society is FULL of IMMORAL, UNETHICAL, PETTY, DISHONEST, COMPROMISING, CARNAL, BACKSLIDDEN, "JUST BARELY GONNA MAKE IT INTO HEAVEN WITH THE SEAT OF THEIR PANTS ON FIRE “CHRISTIANS”! Somebody say “HAVE MERCY, LORD!” All too many CHRISTIANS are too scared to STAND UP and SPEAK UP – too scared to say and do the RIGHT THING – regardless of the personal cost! Most Christians are willing to COMPROMISE whatever is necessary to save face or keep from hurting someone else’s feelings. Christians in our society are no longer ACCEPTED…are no longer RESPECTED…are no longer CREDIBLE…are no longer even TOLERATED! Christians in our society are ABSOLUTELY IGNORED! Christians in America are IGNORED! What a SAD Indictment on our spirituality! We need BRAVE, BOLD, COURAGEOUS, BODACIOUS CHRISTIANS – willing to STAND up, SPEAK up, and even SUFFER, for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. Is that YOU?

Listen, if you are living for Jesus, YOU WILL SUFFER! Satan, the Prince of this world, hates God, and he hates anyone who is a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. Friend, if you are not at war with Satan – guess what? You’re on the WRONG SIDE!

To be GREAT AND MIGHTY PEOPLE OF FAITH involves SUFFERING. You will be ridiculed, you’ll be harassed, and some people will laugh at you and scorn your witness and lifestyle. Satan will buffet you sorely – with temptations, with hardships, with trials. Jesus reminds us - "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you…A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:18,20) In Mt. 5 Jesus says “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. REJOICE and be EXCEEDINGLY GLAD, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Paul warns us - “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Tim. 3:12) LISTEN TO JESUS - REJOICE and be EXCEEDINGLY GLAD, for great is your reward in heaven.” Everybody say REJOICE! Everybody say BE GLAD! Say REJOICE AND BE EXCEEDINGLY GLAD! HALLELUJAH!



Consider the dynamics of what is taking place here. In vs. 21 Jesus reveals that one of the apostles will betray Him! In vs.23-24 the apostles argued about who the betrayer would be! Then their hearts turn from SPIRITUAL concern to FLESHLY PRIDE as they discuss who will be GREATEST among them. Jesus again turns their worldly thinking on its ear – GREATNESS in the KINGDOM is a result of HUMBLE SERVANTHOOD! Jesus Himself came to be a SUFFERING SERVANT MESSIAH – that kind of thinking was anathema to any self-respecting Jew! The Jews had spent hundreds of years in “servant bondage” to Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Persia, and the Romans. Jewish thought was “It’s high time the BAD GUYS got their COME-UP-INS!” We’ve suffered long enough – now let them get theirs! When MESSIAH comes – he will “WHUP UP” on all those SORRY RASCALS! GLORY TO GOD! Even the apostles of Christ, those who should have known His MISSION most clearly – thought Jesus would be a POLITICAL MESSAIH who would overthrow the Roman Government. Even AFTER the RESURRECTION – they STILL asked Him – “Lord, NOW will You RESTORE the Kingdom to Israel!”

QUESTION? What’s WRONG with that kind of thinking? What’s WRONG with having POWER?…WRONG with being INFLUENTIAL?…having CONTROL?…being the BOSS?

JESUS came to be a SERVANT – NOT a MASTER! CHRIST came to teach us SERVANT GREATNESS! MESSIAH JESUS came to INVEST HIMSELF in US! He came to GIVE HIMSELF – and GIVE – and GIVE – and GIVE – and GIVE – until He had given Himself completely for people like us! Somebody say GLORY! HALLELUJAH! Give JESUS a CLAP OFFERING!

LISTEN TO ME! – Can we as believers start to truly FOLLOW Christ’s example of SERVANTHOOD? I’m not talking about PATSY’S, or GOPHERS, or WELCOME MATS – I’m talking about REAL SERVANTS. When our heart’s desire is to LOVE and SERVE Jesus – and LOVE and SERVE one another – THAT’S when BICKERING ends; that’s when HURT FEELINGS subside; that’s when BACKBITING ceases; that’s when GOSSIP dies; that’s when GRUDGES and HATEFUL, MEAN SPIRITS disappear!

. When our heart’s desire is to LOVE and SERVE Jesus – and LOVE and SERVE one another – THAT’S when REAL – AGAPE – SACRIFICIAL LOVE begins!

QUESTION? Once I’ve been BORN AGAIN - What does it take to be a DISCIPLE of JESUS? "Brethren and Sistern" Let me make it easy for you! THREE SUGGESTIONS!

Jesus tells us in Matthew (22:37-40) “You shall LOVE the Lord your God with all your HEART, with all your SOUL, and with all your MIND. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall LOVE your NEIGHBOR as YOURSELF.” R.O.M. – TOTALLY LOVE JESUS! LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

In Luke (9:23) Jesus says "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” R.O.M. – “DENY SELF – TAKE UP YOUR CROSS – DAILY – AND FOLLOW JESUS!”

In Matthew (20:26-28) "Whoever desires to become GREAT among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be FIRST among you, let him be your SLAVE --just as the Son of Man did not come to BE SERVED, but to SERVE, and to give His LIFE a RANSOM for many." R.O.M. – SERVING JESUS – AND SERVING ONE ANOTHER – PRODUCES SERVANT GREATNESS!

BELOVED, - THAT IS THE HEART OF DISCIPLESHIP! If you will get those three things right – I promise you – the rest will fall into place!




INVEST yourself in Jesus! INVEST yourself in One Another! INVEST yourself in the Great Commission of Jesus (Mt. 28:18-20).


The real beauty of vs. 31-32 only comes in retrospect. We know what happened to Peter. Bottom line – Peter was human, just like us. He denied Jesus three times before the Rooster crowed. We KNOW that his FAITH faltered – but it did NOT FAIL! We KNOW that on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus restored Peter’s FAITH, and Peter in turn became a GIANT of FAITH and STRENGTH in the early church. He PREACHED the GOSPEL BOLDLY and thousands came to know Jesus! He suffered persecution, imprisonment, beatings, and death because of his BOLD FAITH for Jesus.

The Holy Spirit gives us STRENGTH. He GIFTS us with 1. PILGRIMAGE STRENGTH. That’s the STRENGTH you get for your PERSONAL walk with God. I can do NOTHING on my own! But I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! He STRENGTHENS me for prosperity as well as adversity…good times and bad…like Paul, we can learn to be abased or abound. The Holy Spirit within gives us all the STRENGTH we need to SACRIFICE, - AND TO SERVE.

2. BARNABAS STRENGTH is what I call the other kind of strength we get from God. BARNABAS STRENGTH is given so we can be ENCOURAGERS of others. Jesus told Peter – when you have TURNED BACK, STRENGTHEN your brothers! Try this experiment; Think about someone in the Body – who is ALWAYS depressed or depressing; always a frown or scowl on their face, always a COMPLAINT on their lips, always a discouraging word, always a NEGATIVE attitude. Now think about someone else in the body who always has a SMILING face, always an ENCOURAGING word, always a PLEASANT, POSITIVE attitude.

QUESTION? Which one of those TWO FOLKS would you rather spend time with? Which one makes you FEEL better about yourself, about your FAITH, and about your relationship with the LORD? Now here’s the really CRUCIAL QUESTION – If someone in the Body was thinking of YOU just a moment ago – WHICH ONE OF THOSE TWO FOLKS WERE YOU?!!!

Be an ENCOURAGER! BE A BARNABAS! INVEST YOURSELF in KINGDOM MINISTRIES. Jesus INVESTED HIMSELF in people! Jesus PRAYED for His disciples, by name. He prayed about their specific needs. He DIED, as a SUBSTITUTE, for them, and for us!

PRAY for your brothers and sisters, by name. Lift some up daily. Pray about their struggles, their JOYS, their needs, their accomplishments, their relationships, their troubles, and their triumphs. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much.” Pray for God’s STRENGTH, and MERCY, and GRACE in their lives. Pray for VISION, and DIRECTION. PRAY for LOVE, and UNITY OF SPIRIT.

The Lord’s Supper is a beautiful PORTRAYAL of what JESUS did for us SPIRITUALLY and PHYSICALLY on the CROSS of CALVARY. JESUS models SUFFERING, SERVANTHOOD, and STRENGTH and shows us how to apply His example to our own lives. JESUS shows us what it means to be a GREAT AND MIGHTY PERSON OF FAITH.

QUESTION? Do you KNOW the JESUS I’m talking about – personally? If not, would you like to? SPIRITUAL RESCUE!

QUESTION? If you have been born again spiritually, ARE YOU A GREAT AND MIGHTY PERSON OF FAITH? If not, what would it take for you to become one?