Summary: Jesus knows where you are. The best place to be is in the storm where He wants you. How do you respond?

Mark 6:45-52

Immediately He made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while He sent the multitude away. And when He had sent them away, He departed to the mountain to pray. 45-46

Now when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea; and He was alone on the land. Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by. 47-48

And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out; for they all saw Him and were troubled. But immediately He talked with them and said to them, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” 49-50

Then He went up into the boat to them, and the wind ceased. And they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure, and marveled. For they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened. 51-52

Introduction – Facts and Excuses

Walt was in a hot air balloon and realized he was lost. So, he reduced altitude and spotted Michael below. He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me sir, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am." Michael replied, "You’re in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You’re between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude." "You must be an engineer," said Walt. "I am," replied Michael, "How did you know?" "Well," answered Walt, "everything you told me is, technically correct, but I’ve no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help at all. If anything, you’ve delayed my trip." Michael responded, "Well, you must be in Management." "I am," replied Walt, "but how did you know?" "Well," said Michael, "you don’t know where you are or where you’re going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you’ve no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it’s my fault."

(The above was personalized for two friends in church who demonstrate these type of personalities)

There are all types of storms. There are those which hit quickly, violently and dissipate rapidly. There are storms which intensify slowly and build to a huge crescendo. There are storms of disagreements and controversy. And then there are always the relational storms. You know the type. Those are the ones we find ourselves in because of someone else’s directions or comments.

Let’s watch and see how the disciples handle the newest storms when Jesus does not appear to be there. Isn’t that how we imagine it when we go through the difficult storms of life or ministry?

Jesus watched the disciples do amazing work in proclaiming the gospel. They have also completed feeding over 5000 people (8000 estimated with women and children) with food left over. The disciples were being forced to leave by Jesus for them to travel to Bethsaida-Galilee.

Jesus has just completed the feeding of the 5000+ on the northeastern side of Galilee in Bethsaida-Julius. Daylight was rapidly dwindling and the people were talking about the need to make Jesus their King. Knowing that He came for a higher mission to the Father, He rejected their desires.

(The parallel passages for this story are found in Matthew 14:22-33 and John 6:15-21)

Notice that Jesus makes the…

Divine Decisions 45-46

The multitudes are clamoring for Jesus to become the promised Messiah and take Jerusalem by force. He was the Bread of Life. He fed the multitude. But Jesus had the Father’s plan in mind. It was higher than their plans.

First, He Dispatched the disciples to Bethsaida near Capernaum. Being on the Northeast side of the Sea of Galilee, He instructed and then had to compel His disciples move on. The word for “made” is compel or force them out of necessity. They would agree with the masses and encourage Jesus to take the mantle given Him by the people. But it was not God’s plan.

Then, He Declined the kingship. It was the wrong time, wrong place and wrong circumstances. Jesus knew what the Father’s timetable was. Several times he said it “was not yet time.”

Third, He Dispersed the crowd. They needed to leave for he had other pressing needs.

Finally, He Departed to pray. It was Jesus’ custom to pray in solitude. After His greatest works, He often departed to spend time with the Father. Oh, that we would pray after great victories instead of waiting until defeats. We may not know what He prayed but we can be sure He prayed for His disciples!

Illustration – Slingshot wrong way to get girl

An eleven-year-old boy got more than he bargained for when he tried to get his girlfriend’s attention. Joe Brunton and a friend wanted to get the girl’s attention early one morning so they tried throwing wood chips at her window. When that didn’t work , they decided to shoot a pebble at the window with a slingshot. The pebble cracked the window. The boys owned up to the broken window and offered to buy a replacement. The boys have been doing odd jobs around the neighborhood to pay for the window.

We often jump into activities and decisions without considering what God wants us to do. Like using a slingshot to shoot a pebble at the window, our actions can have negative consequences we don’t expect. Choosing to follow God’s will for our lives can help us avoid rushing into negative behaviors and decisions.

Then note in verses 47-48 the…

Determined Disciples

These disciples were determined. Difficult winds blew against them. Having left late afternoon, they had already rowed several hours to arrive at their destination which was Bethsaida-Galilee. I believe there were three notable things regarding these disciples.

First, we observe they were Hard-working and diligent. They simple refused to give or give in. They had experienced far worse storms than this. But it was intensive labor. The Greek word for their labor is Βασανίζω. It means to torture: in pain, in toil, and in torment. Quite literally they were straining at rowing and were in severe pain. It was a constant work of toiling and torture as they battled these winds.

We discern too that these disciples were Obedient and faithful. They didn’t want to leave Jesus behind after the miracle of feeding of 5000 men plus women and children. They were opposed to leaving but they obeyed Jesus. Now they remained faithful by keeping on task towards Bethsaida.

I find that many people give up when the going gets rough. Spiritual maturity weathers through the storms and keep their eyes focused on the task at hand. How are you doing in your spiritual walk and work with Jesus? Jesus desires obedience even when we don’t understand.

Third, we discover they were Committed and loyal. They persevered and were resilient. They could have gone back and quit. But they had received their orders and they went back to the last command Jesus gave them.

Illustration – Man Walks 18 Miles to Work

A London hospital worker says he was so determined to get to work that he walked 18 miles during a blizzard. Radiographer Peter Cartwright said his 54-mile journey from his home in the county of Kent to Guy’s Hospital in London took him eight-and-a-half hours to complete. Cartwright said despite taking two trains and receiving two car rides for part of his journey, he was still forced to walk a third of the way to the hospital. The radiographer had not been home since the blizzard, choosing instead to stay at Guy’s Hospital rather than face another harrowing commute in the snow. Cartwright, 52, said that his 18-mile walk in the snow was not that terrible. "I like walking, I was warm and had food on me, so I was fine," he told The Daily Mail. "I also didn’t want to let anyone down. It’s (Guy’s Hospital) a wonderful place to work and I thoroughly enjoy it."

We need to have that kind of diligence when we go about the work that God has called us too. We are to stay faithful to the task we are given. Quitting is not an option. After all, He knows where we are.

Then in verses 49-50, we discover the disciples in a…

Distressing Dilemma

The disciples had probably been on the Sea of Galilee around 8 hours and were about 3-4 miles out. The weather conditions at the spring Passover was a full moon. Even with the high winds, Jesus could see them struggling. He was about to change their circumstances.

These disciples were Tenacious and experienced fishermen. They were grizzled and tough. They lived during tough times. This was just another storm to them which they would weather through.

But we also know they were Tired. Eight hours or so of rowing would tire all twelve disciples. Mark does not describe the event but this is where Peter wishes to walk on water. This event is found in Matthew 14:28-31.

Exhaustion is an experience we will have in serving the Lord Jesus. Long hours, little appreciation and a life of denying self is required in following Him. We even row through the storms when required.

And finally notice they were Terrified. Perhaps they were superstitious as many people are. Perhaps they had heard of “lady on the lake” stories. Whatever the case, they saw something! The Greek word used here is Φάντασμα phantasm. It carries the idea they had seen a spectre. They thought they saw a spirit or ghost. Rowing continuously, they caught glimpses of someone or something walking on the water! They might catch a quick look of Him before they descended out of the swells.

Illustrations - Scared the bejeebers

I have a confession to make. I like practical jokes. Recently, my wife walked up to the second floor of the churches educational building to retrieve some Sunday school materials. I followed and knowing the lights had not been turned on, hid around a corner from her. As she came back through to go downstairs, I stepped out of the shadows and spoke softly, “Hey.” Of course, she screamed and I received another scolding for scaring her. She has always been “spooky” when I have hidden in our 30+ years of marriage. And I still love it! I have other stories that could be shared but I won’t do it for MY sake!

The disciples were extremely frightened! Perhaps they had never experienced anything like this. We may find ourselves in areas where we will also be frightened. But be encouraged! Jesus will get on board with us!

As soon as Jesus gets on board with the exhausted and soaked disciples, the winds stop. Soon, they arrived in a location different than they expected. As you examine this text notice the disciples…

Disappointing Discernment 51-52

They had walked with Jesus for two years now. The disciples had experienced and seen the wondrous miracles He had performed. Yet look at their response.

These men were spiritually Astonished. Verse 51 does not adequately describe in English their astonishment! They were completely astounded.

Second they were spiritually Overwhelmed. They had never known anyone like this Jesus. He was no ordinary man! Again, they were blown away in their minds and imagination.

And finally, we note they were spiritually Senseless or imperceptive. The Greek word in verse 52 for hardened is Πωρόω. It apparently comes from the word πῶρος pōros. It seems to mean to petrify, that is, (figuratively) to indurate (render stupid or callous). In Texas-ese, it means to blind or harden.

Often, my wife makes a Play-dough like substance for children to play with in Sunday school. If left out it will become hardened like stone. It is not pliable or flexible.

Such are the disciples. They had been so into the world that Jesus rattled their cage and rocked their world. Certainly, here was no ordinary man.

Illustration – We are illogical about risks

We agonize over the avian flu, which [as of December 2006] had killed precisely no one in the U.S., but have to be cajoled into getting vaccinated for the common flu, which contributes to the deaths of 36,000 Americans each year.

White-knuckle flyers routinely choose the car when traveling long distances, heedless of the fact that, at most, a few hundred people die in U.S. commercial airline crashes in a year, compared with 44,000 killed in motor-vehicle wrecks.

We wring our hands over the mad cow pathogen that might be (but almost certainly isn’t) in our hamburger, yet worry far less about the cholesterol that contributes to the heart disease that kills 700,000 of us annually. We put filters on faucets, install air ionizers in our homes, and lather ourselves with antibacterial soap. At the same time, 20 percent of all adults still smoke; nearly 20 percent of drivers and more than 30 percent of backseat passengers don’t use seatbelts; and two-thirds of us are overweight or obese.

"Trust in yourself and you are doomed to disappointment; trust in your friends and they will die and leave you; trust in money and you may have it taken from you; trust in reputation and some slanderous tongue may blast it; but trust in Jesus, and you are never to be confounded in time or eternity."

I have three challenges for you today.

First, will you commit yourself to following Christ where He directs?

Second, will you commit yourself to following Christ through the unavoidable storms?

And finally, will you commit yourself to following Christ whatever the cost?