Summary: Facing up to John 3:16 and exactly what it means to me, phrase by phrase.

If you were like me, around the age of five or six, Miss Money taught you your first Bible verse in Sunday School; and it probably was John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life." Over the ensuing years that verse has eased many heart-breaking situations and has opened several opportunities to share the Good News with other people. Anyone who has spent very much time attending church should be quite familiar with this verse. Over the years and through different translations the words have changed somewhat: "whosoever believeth" has become "everyone who believes" and the "only begotten Son" is now "His only Son." I’m not sure if I really like that last change, it sort of removes GOD as Jesus’ Father from the understanding of the verse. Since I began my preaching ministry I have tried to shy away from this particular verse, because it is so well known. Trying to do a sermon around it seemed to be a futile effort; after all, what else can be said about it? But then, this past week I decided to face up to it, because maybe, everyone doesn’t really comprehend what is being said in it. Let us spend some time this morning looking at this particular verse and see if we all have a similar understanding of it. I know scripture means something different to each of us; we each have our own value systems and life experiences to use in interpreting what a certain verse may mean at a certain time in our lives.

"For God;" who is GOD and what does GOD mean to us in this particular context? What is our perception of GOD? Do we envision GOD as the loving Father, who will give us all we ever need; open and approachable as a good friend? Or maybe our concept of GOD is as a mysterious being; aloof and floating around somewhere in the great beyond, far from our view. Or do we see GOD as the omniscient being who knows all, the omnipotent one who can do all things, and the omnipresent one who is always near by in our time of need? Maybe GOD, to us, is a mixture of all these.

Scripture tells us GOD always has been and always will be; therefore, there is a bit of mystery about who GOD is. We also read in scripture GOD rescued Israel from slavery, cared for them through the wilderness, and eventually led them into the Promised Land; GOD is compassionate. The psalmist says, "Where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there;" GOD is ever vigilant Jesus even calls GOD "Father" on several occasions; GOD is loving. Therefore, we may presume GOD to be multi-faceted in every respect.

"…so loved the world;" I love my wife, is that not the same thing? First we must realize GOD gave Jesus to the world because GOD loves the world. The world is GOD’s creation and the love of GOD’s heart. When God gave Jesus to the world, the world was presented with a critical decision. Jesus’ incarnation into the world begins the cycle of judgment which is our call for all humankind to love GOD in return. Through Jesus we are invited to become members of GOD’s family, to become one with our Creator. If we accept this invitation, we must then be willing to welcome a new way of life and return our complete love back to GOD.

But how are we supposed to love God; in what way is our love sufficient? We can best answer this query by recognizing love and the types of it. First there is "eros" love, this is the physical love felt between two human beings, which is often fulfilled with something as simple as a hug or maybe a kiss. Eros love is that love which leads to human marital relationships. The next kind of love is "phileo" love, or the love of our neighbor. The "city of brotherly love," Philadelphia’s name is a derivative of this term. In "phileo" love we willingly share of our prosperity with those around us in need and do not expect anything in return from it. Both of these types of love are more often applied between human to human interactions. But, the love which GOD has for the world is much different, that is "agape" love. Agape is an ultimate form of love, that special unconditional love of GOD; a love which is always willing to unconditionally forgive any and every transgression.

"…that He gave His only Son;" Jesus, the only Son of GOD, the most perfect gift, GOD gave to humankind in order to provide for our salvation. We have already established GOD gave Jesus to the world because of GOD’s great love for the world. But here, in John’s Gospel, is the only place in scripture where it says "GOD gave;" everywhere else it says "GOD sent" or "Jesus was sent." What is the difference in "sent" and "gave?" "Send" more clearly associates with GOD’s will for the world, whereas "gave" appears to underscore the incarnation of Jesus is derived from GOD’s love for the world as well as from GOD’s will. GOD "gave His only Son" to all people, including those who are at odds with Jesus and GOD. Even though GOD gives Jesus in love to all people, only believers will accept the gift.

Through Jesus, GOD renews the covenant with humankind. Yet following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, humanity still does not fulfill its responsibility of the covenant. Jesus came as a light into the world; a light which expresses both the judgment and grace of a loving and faithful GOD. Christ did not come to judge, but His coming is a judgment in the same way turning on a light can be the exposure and conviction of those who prefer darkness, because their deeds are evil. Light is for others a gift and occasion for joy.

"…so that everyone" can be offered the saving presence of Jesus the Messiah. This act of GOD’s love has both positive and negative effects. Even though the gift is for everyone, not everyone is willing to accept it. "Everyone" is all inclusive in scripture, there is no longer "Jew or Greek…slave or free…male and female, for all are one in Christ Jesus." Jesus said, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself." Jesus loves all humankind from the innocent newborn baby to the purely evil Osama Bin Laden. He came into the world to be a Savior for everyone. In the new covenant, GOD places a trust in humanity, a hope and a belief we will come to the light of Christ and shun all darkness. Yet GOD is painfully aware, only believers will accept Jesus as the gift He is meant to be.

"…who believes in Him" is such a simple request, yet so misunderstood by so many people; therefore they refuse to believe. The object of our belief is Jesus Christ, the only Son of GOD, and the consequence of belief is a life lived in doing the truth, in obeying GOD’s will. Unfortunately, believing is not enough and this is why so many people will turn from Jesus. There is an inseparable connection between the correct belief in Jesus as GOD’s agent of salvation and in correct living according to GOD’s will as expressed in the life and teachings of Jesus. In other words, mere belief is not the key to Christian existence; rather, the center of Christian life is an undeniable belief in Jesus as Son of GOD, Savior of the world, and also the practice of living in the same way Jesus lived.

"…may not perish" is the whole purpose of Jesus being given in the first place. "The LORD is not slow about His promise…but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance." The Good News of the new covenant through Jesus Christ is GOD’s refusal to give up on humanity; that is GOD’s amazing grace. GOD’s grace is sufficient to cover all our imperfections. In this covenant GOD places a trust in humanity, a hope and a belief all will come to the light and shun the darkness. Many people take this to believe GOD will not let anyone perish; everyone will be saved and brought into heaven. However, GOD knows the evil in the human heart, and realizes there will be many who refuse to come to the altar.

"…but have eternal life" in communion with Jesus Christ, all who have gone before us and who follow after us. Eternal life is not just some beautiful thought to hold onto. It is an actuality through the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Christian lives we live in a belief which empowers and transforms our very existence. On one hand, eternal life is life after death in the presence of GOD; but on the other hand, this life we are living now is the beginning of our eternal life. Because of the Cross of Christ, eternal life is not restricted to the future but is equally related to our current lives. As we devote our lives to Jesus, through our belief, GOD’s power as exhibited in Christ grasps hold of us and engulfs us in the security of GOD’s love.

GOD loves us, gave us the one and only Son, in order for all of us to be brought to GOD for eternity. All we have to do is believe. Isn’t that a wonderful gift?