Summary: Christmas Series - making Christmas meaningful

“3 Things we can do to make this Christmas Meaningful – Share God’s great gift with others.”

Gladstone Baptist Church – 6/8/06 pm

S1 - Too many people think that Christmas is all about getting presents. It is not.

Hi Boys & Girls – Happy Christmas. And happy birthday Jesus. Let’s sing happy birthday to Jesus …

Well I wonder what Jesus got for his birthday? Do you think that he got presents this year? Did you give him any presents? No?

What? You got presents and Jesus didn’t. But it isn’t your birthday!!! How come you got presents and Jesus didn’t.

You know boys and girls, a lot of people think that Christmas is all about presents and particularly about what presents they get themselves. In fact, one of the most important events for a lot of kids is the visit to Santa. You go and sit on his knee and tell him everything you want.

But as nice as getting gifts is, Christmas is about giving gifts not Getting gifts. Remember yesterday we talked about the original St. Nicholas. He knew that God wanted us to give help to those in need and so he spent his life helping out others. He is who Santa Claus is modelled after and ever since Nicholas lived, we give presents to each other at Christmas time.

But giving gifts at Christmas was going on well before Nicholas lived.

S2 - Christmas is all about giving. On that first Christmas, lots of gifts were given.

Christmas has always been about giving. That very first Christmas, gifts were given. Can you think of any gifts that were given that first Christmas?

That is right – the Wise men brought some gifts to Jesus. Gold, frankincense and Myrrh – all very expensive gifts. Given to Jesus. That very first Christmas, the Wise Men gave gifts to Jesus. Because it was his birthday. Why don’t we therefore give gifts to Jesus? We should! Just like the Wise Men.

But the wise men’s gifts weren’t the first or only gifts given that Christmas. Can you think of any other gifts that were given that first Christmas?


Well let me tell you about 3 other gifts I know that were given that first Christmas …

God’s gift of Jesus.

The first Gift that was given was given by God himself. He gave the best present ever to the whole world. He gave his son, Jesus.

You see, we were in trouble and needed help. God is perfect – which means that he has never done anything wrong. We on the other hand have done lots of things wrong. What are some of the things you have done wrong today? We all have done bad things and that means that God can’t allow us into heaven. He wants us in heaven though, so He decided to send His Son, Jesus down to earth to die for us. So we can be forgiven and be acceptable to God.

That is an incredible gift isn’t it. Can you draw on your handouts in this first box a picture of Jesus in the manger, while I speak to the grown ups for a while.

To Adults

Jesus was God’s gift to the whole world. Jn 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, so that whoever believes in Him shouldn’t die, but have eternal life.” God gave his son so we could have eternal life.

Without Jesus, we would remain in our state of sin and we would die sinners and be judged and condemned as sinners. God would have to punish us by condemning us to spending eternity separated from Him. He didn’t want that – He loved me too much - He loved you too much to leave us in our sin, so he sent his Son, Jesus to earth to live and die. He didn’t deserve to die, but He chose to die for me and you so that we could be forgiven. Forgiven and free – free to live with God forever.

This Christmas, God is offering you a free gift of forgiveness and with that comes eternal life. He is still offering the same gift – His Son. He has done everything necessary for you to just take the gift and enjoy it. God came to earth. He has revealed himself to us. But we still need to choose to accept the gift. We can leave it all wrapped up and refuse it if we want to. But God desires we take it and unwrap it and follow the true star of Christmas. 2 weeks ago, I said that the wise men set a great example to us because they focused on the true Christmas Star and were prepared to follow it wherever it led. God has shown us his true Star of Christmas – his own Son. He wants us to focus on His son and to follow Jesus. His Son is His greatest gift to us. To have a meaningful Christmas, we need to accept this gift, focus on Jesus and be prepared to follow Him. If you haven’t done this yet, don’t go home without speaking to me or someone who can help you do this.

So that was the first gift that was given that first Christmas. A gift given by God.

The gift of Worship to God

To Children

Have you finished that first picture? The first gift given was the gift of Jesus.

The second gift that was given was the gift of worship. Both the shepherds and the wise men came to Jesus that first Christmas and bowed down in worship. The shepherds gave their time to go and find the manger and then they knelt in worship of Jesus. The Bible says that they gave glory to God which means that they told him how incredible he was. I imagine they sang lots of songs just like we sing songs to worship God at Church. I also imagine that they prayed lots and praised God.

Telling God how great he is, is a wonderful way to give Jesus a present this Christmas. Why don’t we pause and give a present of worship to God right now. Let’s pray…

Lord, you are an incredible God. So kind and loving. You sent your Son down to save us and we are so thankful. We love you, Amen.

That was an easy present to give wasn’t it. You can give a present to God any time you want to by just stopping and telling him how wonderful he is.

The wise men gave worship in another way … They gave Jesus some gifts – we said that before didn’t we. They gave 3 gifts – God, Frankincense and Myrrh. But we can’t give gifts like this can we. For one thing, we don’t have gold and Mum would be really mad if you took her gold earrings or gold necklace and gave them away wouldn’t she. And where on earth do you buy frankincense and Myrrh. So we can’t give gifts like this,

But we can give Jesus other gifts. Yesterday I told your mums & dads that we can worship God through giving gifts to other people. Just like what Saint Nicholas did. You see Jesus wants us to look after each other – especially those people who can’t look after themselves. So Jesus said that if we help other people in need, it is as though we do it for Jesus. So if we give money to poor people overseas, it is like we are giving money to Jesus. If we welcome a new boy or girl to our school and include them in our games at lunch, it is like welcoming Jesus himself. If we give some of our extra toys to Lifeline so other people who can’t afford new toys can buy them, then it is like we are giving them to Jesus.

We can give Jesus gifts by giving gifts to other people. That is why giving gifts to other people at Christmas is a good thing.

Can you draw a picture of something you can give to another person - maybe it is an old toy you don’t play with any more. Maybe you could think of something you could buy to give to a person in need. You draw something you can give to a needy person while I quickly talk to the grown ups again.

To Adults

Yesterday, I said spoke to you about worshipping God. I encourage you to seek to worship God in practical ways during the week as you live out your life in your workplaces, your homes and neighbourhoods. Don’t leave your worship to Sundays only, worship Jesus at every opportunity. I know that some of you are doing this. Some of you help out others with meals on wheels or at lifeline. Some of you have sponsored a child in poverty. Some of your homegroups do service activities and look for opportunities to help others. There will be so many ways to help others out this coming year. If you want to help out others, talk to Elizabeth Craig who is trying to get a help desk up and running. It will aim to provide practical help to people in need. But in order to help others, we need volunteers. So look for opportunities to help others out in 2007.

The gift of Witness

To Children

Have you finished your pictures boys and girls? There is a third gift that was given that first Christmas that I want to talk about and I think it is probably the most important gift we can give to anyone or to Jesus. It was given by the shepherds. Listen as I read what they gave.

Luke 2:15-18

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.

After the shepherds had spent some time with Jesus, what did they do?

They went out and told everyone about what Jesus. They knew that everyone needed to know about the incredible gift that God had given to us and so they went out and spread the world. Hopefully some of the people who heard them listened to what they had to say and went to find the baby for themselves also.

You know boys and girls, this is Jesus’ birthday and we should be giving him presents on his birthday. We can worship him, by telling him how wonderful he is and we can also give gifts to others for his sake – they are good things. But perhaps the best thing we can do is to tell others about Jesus – why is that the best thing? Because it means that maybe one more person will get the chance to soenbd eternity with Jesus and that makes God incredibly excited. Jesus wants everyone – every single person to believe in him – but in order to believe, they have to hear about Him. We can tell them.

Can you think of someone who doesn’t know God yet, but who you could tell about Jesus? They may be one of your cousins that you will see at Christmas time – you could tell them about Jesus and what happened that first Christmas. It may be your grandparents – you could tell them how much Jesus means to you and encourage them to go and search for Jesus too. They may be a friend at school who you won’t see for another couple of months – that is okay, so long as you plan to tell them when you get to school. You could even ring them up today to wish them a happy Christmas and tell them today if you really were keen.

Could you draw in the last box, someone who you could tell about Jesus? While I talk to the adults again?

To Adults

Mum’s and Dad’s the shepherds knew more than anyone else what pleases our Lord and Saviour. They gave Glory to God and then they gave themselves to God in worship and went and spread the good news of the kingdom of God.

I think it is marvellous that the first night Jesus was on this earth, we see people spreading the good news about the salvation that God had sent in the form of Jesus. This is what was Jesus’ mission on earth.

Luke 4:18 …

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Jesus was here on earth to bring the good news of freedom, restoration and release. His whole life’s purpose was based around this. I think it is fitting that his first day, this began with the shepherds. I think it is significant that the very last words Jesus spoke on this earth were

Acts 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

The Shepherds were his witnesses at his birth. The disciples were his witnesses at his ascension. And we are to be his Witnesses in 2006-2007.

Today is Jesus’ birthday and the best gift we can give him is to continue his work on the earth. To preach the good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed and proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.

S6 - What are you giving to God & to others this Christmas. Are the gifts going to last the week, the year, a lifetime or eternity?

To Children

Okay children – have you finished your drawings. We’ve talk this morning about 3 different types of gifts that were given that first Christmas day.

God gave us his Son Jesus Christ that very first Christmas. It was the greatest gift that has ever and that will ever be given and it was given to you and you and you and you and me. We have the opportunity to accept that gift this Christmas. God wants us to accept Jesus and you can do that anywhere you like and at any time you want to. All you have to do is pray something like this … Actually why don’t we bow our heads and you can pray it now in your heads silently after me if you want to … Dear Jesus, I know I have made lots of mistakes and that has made you sad. I am sorry for them all and I want you to forgive me. I know that you came down to earth as a baby and grew up and died for me. Thank you for that. I want to follow you and I promise I will try to be the boy or girl you want me to be. Amen.

That is all there is to it accepting Jesus’ gift. If you did pray that after me, I want you to tell your Mum or Dad this morning when you go home, because I am sure they would love to know.

So that is the first gift we talked about. But there were 2 other gifts we talked about this morning. They were gifts we could give to Jesus. The first thing we could give Jesus is our worship. How do we worship God? Well one way is to tell him how great he is. What will you do today to make sure you keep thinking about Jesus? I hope that you won’t walk out of here and forget completely that it is Jesus’ birthday. Maybe you could sing happy birthday to Jesus at lunch or get Mum & Dad to read you some of the Christmas story before you go to bed tonight. Jesus wants you to think about him today and to remember that He is why we celebrate Christmas. Grown ups – God wants your attention and focus today, as well as everyday for the coming year. Following Him should impact your attitudes, your actions, your decisions, your lifestyle. Are you prepared to focus on him and worship him with your life.

We also said you could worship God by giving to others didn’t we. Too often the only gifts we give at Christmas are to our close friends and family – and often, they don’t really need anything at all – they’ve got enough toys to play with whether they be kids toys or adult toys. But there are many, many people this Christmas who are missing out. In fact they miss out on the good things life that we enjoy each and every day of the year. What are we doing to help to stop their suffering and pain. Jesus wants us to be like Saint Nicholas and help those in need. Because when we help others in need, we actually minister to Christ himself.

Lastly we said that perhaps thing we can give Jesus this year is to tell others about Him. Tell our friends, our family, our neighbours. You know, the gifts we give this Christmas, are all going to wear out sooner or later. By the end of today, some of the things you gave or were given will be broken. Some of them will last a week or perhaps a year or two – but eventually every single gift you give will break or wear out. The only gift you can give that will never ever ever wear out is to tell someone about Jesus. Because if they accept the things you tell them and accept Jesus who is the gift of God, then they will have eternal life. They will enjoy living in heaven with you for ever and ever and ever – and that will never wear out.

Do you want to find meaning this Christmas? Then give gifts that last – give your focus to God and follow his Son Jesus; give your worship to God through praise, service and through giving to those in need; and lastly – give your witness to others. Tell others about Jesus and share the greatest gift this Christmas with them.

May God give you a wonderful Christmas as you seek to make it a meaningful one.