Summary: The final of four sermons on Nehemiah, also the introduction of our Corps Vision Statement.

The man came in and sat down, I’d say he was in his mid-thirties; he looked a bit rough around the edges and hadn’t shaved for a few days. We introduced our selves and the question was asked how are you surviving? “Well I can’t get the benefit right now so I’m doing a few burglaries, mind you it doesn’t affect any body, and nobody’s getting hurt!

While my fellow worker went to get him a food parcel I had the opportunity to talk to this bloke.

Being all bold and an officer cadet to boot, I asked “what do you reckon the world would be like if everybody followed the two great commandments?”

The reply was a fairly blank look; this bloke had never heard the two great commandments. “What do you mean?” he said.

“In a nut shell mate I said; “If everybody was to love God with all their heart and soul and mind and strength and to love their neighbour as their self.”

Another blank look and a few moments later was his reply, “no mate it wouldn’t work!”

All confident like, I asked, “Eh?”

He summed his reply up this way, “It wouldn’t work, because some body would always be out to rip somebody else off.”

I guess that my question hinged around everyone being on the same page with the two great commandments.

The truth is that we live in a world where not everyone is.

For the last wee while we did a series on Nehemiah and this sermon is to sum it up. Part of the point of it is on working together, as was the point of Tim Hawkins sermon big idea a few weeks ago which was, “were not spectators, …were (can anyone remember) players.”

Imagine this as Jesus ‘body’ here on Earth we all, that’s everyone who calls themselves by the name of Christ, Christians that is, are actually answering the call to live those two commandments, to Love the Lord and neighbour etc, and in doing so to make a difference.

Imagine what it would be like if we were all to do our bit in bringing God’s Kingdom here on Earth!

Think about this people would be meeting with our living saviour, and in their meeting with him, making decisions to live for him. The Holy Spirit would then come to abide with them as their helper, friend, encourager and counsellor. As a result of this happening life change would occur.

What would it be like, if this life change was like a contagious disease that spread the love of God to many, many others, Jesus compared it to yeast in dough, that made the bread expand and grow.

Christ’s body the church, growing expanding, lives changed, saved from the mundane existence that they are currently suffering, people free from addictions, fears, worries and day to day dramas that drag them down, living life like some badly written soap opera.

Attitudes changed from being that of; “I no longer serve just myself and the world, but a God who can, a God who will, and people experiencing the love of and the direction of / God in their lives.”

Lives changed, people living abundant lives, won for God’s kingdom, for eternity, people on mass praising God. People, Living for God and serving one another / really a bit like Heaven on Earth.

As we look back on our series on Nehemiah, we see that the vast majority of the people of Jerusalem became involved in the work of rebuilding that city’s walls. It did however become quite clear that there were some noblemen who ‘wouldn’t put their shoulders to the work.’ I guess if they were here now they’d feel fairly stink, image that being your record for thousands of years.

There was also opposition to the work they were doing; the wall was rebuilt by men carrying swords for defence.

The people also did make mistakes; Nehemiah being God’s agent on the ground had to refocus them on the task at hand. The result was that Jerusalem was a safe place for exiles to return to. It was a place where the God of Israel turned curses into blessings! Where his law was once again followed and where confession of sins occurred and where blessings followed.

He people of the city were again living vibrant energised and worthwhile lives.

These people who rebuilt the walls, the people involved in this work were not just the Stone Masons or Brick Layers, there were all sorts, there were Rulers, Perfume Makers, Priests, Residents, Labourers, Temple Servants and Goldsmiths to name a few.

Let me read you this from Nehemiah 3:12,”Shallum son of Hallohesh, ruler of a half district of Jerusalem, repaired the next section with the help of his daughters.”

Why did I choose this as the main passage for the sermon? Why because this reference to daughters is unique and it is interesting to see it included, as this was not the sort of work that women would normally engage in at that time in history or in that culture.

Another interesting thing is that the Perfume Makers and the Goldsmiths were from a district outside the walls. Was rebuilding the walls of any real benefit to them?

People were engaged in this work, really engaging in this work, not just for what they would gain from it, but for what they could give to God’s city, the city where God was worshipped, where offerings were made to him. This was about The Kingdom of God.

Imagine what it would be like if everyone and I mean everyone in this city of Christchurch put God first, and because they put God first, they loved everyone else.

That could take a whole lot of imagination; but for now lets imagine what it would be like if all the Christians in this city did this. If Christchurch became Christ’s Church, excuse the play on words. A city of servants who were living for God! “Living for God, serving all people” (SBI) Now that could and would take a radical attitude shift. It will take an attitude shift, but it’s possible!

We here at Sydenham have a lot to celebrate a couple of weeks ago we celebrated people in this Corps some of and I mean some of the people here in leadership positions, those involved in some areas of ministry, mission, stewardship and discipleship, we also remembered those who went before them and the heritage that we have in the Salvation Army. We have a heritage of People living or God who are serving their communities, and the world. Because of the love that God has had for them, because of the freedom they have found in Jesus.

This is important Kingdom of God stuff. The loving relationships that are developed and fostered in this place or by individuals who share the love of God with their, workmates, schoolmates, neighbours and the whosoever have the potential to alter the present, alter individual and family dynamics and people’s eternities for the good, as people engage in relationships that have them asking what is this Jesus stuff about?

People are open to the idea of a relationship with God, of friendships with others, this is not about the Salvation Army, and this is not about building ‘something.’ This is about loving God and loving others. This is about “Living for God and serving all people.” (SBI) This is tied up in our thinking, our relating and our attitude to God and others.

This is not about what can we get out of going to Church, to the Salvation Army? This is about how do we relate to God and to others. What does God’s Kingdom look like here on earth?

[It’s hard to believe that we can have an impact on others that effects their eternities. Earlier this month we celebrated the life of one of our Corps family ( ). At the service for ( ), someone close to her approached me and mentioned that the people of this Corps should be complimented! They went onto explain that ( ) had not always been welcomed everywhere she went. That this really did pain her and that she would not stay where she was not welcome. The people of this place had an effect on ( ) and the person who noticed this. This is love for neighbours in action.]

How else can we effect people for Jesus, how else can we relate to them or do our bit for God’s Kingdom here on earth:

Well within the four walls of this building playing your part could be as easy as smiling, a handshake, a friendly word, sharing a scripture, a verse of encouragement, taking the time to see where someone is at, not requiring anything for yourself before giving something to another, praying for them, living for God, serving all people. (SBI)

Out side these walls, befriending the friendless, helping the misguided, the bereaved, when it comes down to it Jesus said it was as simple as giving a glass of water in his name. One of my favourite faith in action things is helping a solo parent by looking after their children for awhile so that they can just be, be alone and rest for a couple of hours. That’s a favourite because I’ve been on the receiving end; I’ve been that parent and what a difference it made in my life.

(Slowly) It’s not just about doing things though it’s about sharing the love that you have received from God and passing it onto those around you; Living for God, serving all people, so that others are affected and want to know more. It’s a little like that thing some people do “Paying it forward“ but paying it forward not because some body has done a nice thing for you and so you do something for another. But because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you can live for eternity, living as he asks you to live, putting God first, and loving our neighbours as though they were you. This Kingdom stuff is dynamic, it’s life changing for the giver as well as the receiver.

In Nehemiah the reference to the swords is interesting; we are told that “the word of God is living and active. Shaper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges that thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” We like the people of Nehemiah’s Jerusalem should be armed, not with blades but with the word of God. Sure as eggs we are going to meet opposition. We have an enemy and who will not like it when our love for others, because of the love of Jesus is winning souls back from the darkness.

Remember in the book of Nehemiah, the reference to swords was for defence, it’s much easier to defend yourself if you’re trained. If we live in this word we will live by this word. Assured of victory, assured of salvation, bringing others to the same place we are at. It’s much easier to fight that enemy when we are equipped with God’s word.

There are two things to consider, the same as in Nehemiah’s day, I get involved, or not.

God is all for celebrating; we have a lot to celebrate in this place, well done. Jesus was all for celebration he talked of feasts, of rejoicing in the Kingdom of Heaven, of coming to know the full measure of his joy.

In our service to others in our worship of God, we are blessed. Without our involvement in their lives, how do others come to know those blessings?

We have ample to celebrate, as we share the blessings that God has given us as we pass those blessings on to others so that they may be found alive in Christ Jesus. Long may we serve all people, as we live for God.