Summary: What God has for you, it is certainly for you

I Samuel 16:1-13

Topic: What God has for you, it is for you

No matter what you are going through in this life, just know this one thing:

What God has for you, it is for you.

You may not have everything that you desire or need right now. But just know and believe this one thing:

What God has for you, it is for you.

It doesn't matter of you are young or old, black or white, rich or poor, educated or not; just know and believe this one thing:

What God has for you, it is for you.

It doesn't matter if you are single, married, divorced or widow;

What God has for you, it is for you

And whatever God has for you, you don't have to lie to get it,

You don't have to steal to get it,

You don't have to cheat anybody to get it

You don't have to politic to get it,

You don't to deceive anyone to get it,

You don't have to argue or fight anyone to get it because what God has for you, it is for you. Instead of you battling someone to get what God has for you, you need to pray and let the Lord fight your battles, and let him bring it to pass.

You see, what God has for you may not come to you when you want it to come. It may not come today, next week, next month or this year. But just know and believe this one thing; what God has for you; it is for you, and it will come to you in God's own time.

But in order to receive what God has for you, you have to be the position to receive what God has for you. And to put yourself in the position to receive what God has for you, you ought to read and do what Psalm 37:3-5 says, "Trust in the Lord and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."

Yes, what God has for you, it is for you.

Now, in these passage of scriptures of I Samuel 16:1-13, we see the little boy David receiving what God had for him: that is the anointing to be the next king of Israel after King Saul. At this time in these passage of scriptures, if you would read I Samuel 15, King Saul had been rejected by God to continue as king over Israel because of his willful disobedience. So God sent the prophet Samuel to Bethlehem to make a sacrifice to the Lord and to select and to annoint one of the sons of Jesse to be the next king of Israel.

Now, the reason why David received the annointing to be the next King of Israel was because his heart was right with God. And that is good lesson to learn right there. And that lesson is that if you want to receive what God has for you, you have to make sure your heart is right with God. To have your heart right with God, The Lord has to be the center and the head of your life. You have to be one who trust and obeys the Lord. You have to be one who worship and serve the Lord with all your heart, and with sincerity.

But David almost missed out on the annointing to be the next king of Israel because of what his daddy Jesse had done. You see, when Jesse received word from the prophet Samuel that he was coming to Bethlehem to annoint one of his sons to be the next king of Israel, he took all of his sons to meet Samuel with hopes that one of them would be chosen and annointed to be the next king of Israel his sons. Jesse took all of his sons except one to meet Samuel. The one son that Jesse left behind was David. Now when Samuel arrived in Behtlehem to meet Jesse and his sons, Jesse had all of his favorite seven sons to pass by Samuel, thinking that one of them would be annointed the next king of Israel. He had the first son, Eliab to pass by Samuel. And Samuel almost annointed Eliab, the first son he saw because he looked handsome, he looked tall, he looked muscular, he had broad shoulders, he had a clean hair cut, he was dressed in a sharp suit, he looked physically fit. Eliab looked like he had the potential to be a good king, But the Lord intervened and told Samuel no because God told him, "Look not on their countenance, nor on the height of his stature because I have refused him; for the Lord seeth not as man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. man looks out on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart."

Then Jesse had the second son, Abindadab to pass by Samuel to be annointed the next king of Israel, but the Lord told Samuel no. Then Jesse had his third son, Shammah to pass by Samuel to be annointed the next king of Israel, but the Lord said no. Jesse had all of his seven sons to pass by Samuel to be annointed the next king of Israel, and each time they pass by Samuel the Lord said no. All of Jesse's sons looked handsome, all of Jesse's looked cleaned cut, all of Jesse's sons was dressed sharp and all of Jesse's sons looked physically fit. All of them look like they had the potential to be the next king of Israel. But as they all passed by Samuel to be annointed, the Lord told Samuel no. Why? Because their heart was not right with God. They were men who did not have the Lord the center or the head of their life. They were men who did not worship or serve the Lord with their heart. Even though they were with Samuel to make a sacrifice to the Lord, but there heart was still not right with God. Or we can say like this, even though Jesse's sons were at church, there heart was not right with God. You see, you can have everything going for you. You might be someone who have great talent. You might be someone who have good personality. You might be ever so fine, and ever so pretty. You might be someone who is popular with the crowd. But if your heart is not right with God, everyone may say yes to you, but God will say no. That is why the Psalmist in Psalm 139:23-24 says, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting. While Samuel wanted to say yes to the sons of Jesse, God said no because their heart was not right with God. But if you want your heart with God, you need to give your heart to Jesus Christ because he is able make your heart right with God.

So Samuel asked Jesse does he has any other sons. And Jesse said,"Yes. I have another son who is the youngest out of all my other sons, and he is a shepherd boy."

In other words, what Jesse was telling Samuel that by age, David is the youngest son in the family. But in his eye sight, in Jesse's point of view, he was the least and the smallest in the family. In other words, what Jesse was telling Samuel that David was not worth looking at. He was not worth the time to be dealing with. Plus him being a shepherd boy tending the sheep, he is going smell bad. He is going to be smelling like sheep. He is not as handsome or physically fit like his brothers. The only thing he is good at is playing the harp and tending the sheep.

You see, Jesse did not want David around nor did he bring David along with his brothers to meet Samuel because he wanted David to be out of sight and out of mind. And that is cold when your own daddy don't think much about you in a loving way. It is cold when your friends want you out of sight and out of mind. But know and believe this one thing: No matter how bad people talk about you, no matter how bad people lie on you, no matter how people may ignore or overlook you, no matter how bad people ridicule you, just know and believe this one thing: What God has for you, it is for you.

And notice what Samuel tells Jesse when he tells him that he has one son left that he had not seen: Send and fetch him; for we will not sit down till he comes hither(here). Now there is a lesson that we can learn right here. And the lesson is what God has for you, you don't always have to look for it. You don't have to search high and low for it. It will come to you. And when you think about it, David wasn't even looking to be annointed to be the next king of Israel. He was minding his own business watching his sheep. And usually that is when you get what God has for you, that is, you will find yourself blessed, when you take care of your own business, doing the thing that God has called you to do, and not worrying about what somebody else is doing.

Notice that Samuel said we will not sit down until David shows up. You see there are some things that are waiting for your arrival. You see the thing that God has for you, it is waiting for your arrival. That job that God has for you, it is waiting for your arrival. That house that God has for you, it is waiting for your arrival. That husband or wife that God has for you, it is waiting for your arrival. What God has planned for you, what God has for you, it cannot take place until God bring you there. And what God has planned for you, what God has for you, nobody can take it from you. Nobody can steal it from you. Nobody can cheat you out of it. You may not be where God wants you to be right now, just know God will hold and maintain what he has for you. In other words, before God gives you what He has for you, He will prepare you for it. He train you for it. You see, while David was out in the field tending his sheep, God was secretly preparing him to be the next king of Israel. And likewise, God is preparing you to receive what He has for you!

And the scriptures says that they sent for David and brought him before Samuel. And the scripture says that David was ruddy, meaning that he had fair skin with bright eyes, and good looking. And when David appeared before Samuel, the Lord said, "Arise, annoint him; for this is the one! Then Samuel took the horn of oil and annointed him in the midst of his bretheren and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day foward.

When God has gives you what He has for you, he will annoint you and give you the Holy Spirit so you will be able to handle what He has for you. He give you the understanding to handle what he has for you. He will give you the wisdom to handle what he has for you. He will give you the power to handle what he has for you. The question is how do I receive the Holy Spirit? When you repent of your sins and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation, God will give you the Holy Spirit. He will give you the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He will give you the annoint of the Holy Spirit. And when you given the Holy Spirit,, you need to walk by the Spirit. You need to live by the Spirit. You need to be filled with the Spirit. You need to be led by the Spirit. You need to be strengthen by the Spirit. Now to be, to worship in the Spirit, to love in the Spirit, to be led in the Spirit, and to be fervent in the Spirit, you first of all must be born of the Spirit.

In John 3:3, Jesus says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born again, he see the kingdom of God.” Jesus Christ also says in John 3:5-7 that “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Marvel not that I said you that you must be born again.”

Now the question is, How does one become born of the Spirit?

It is by believing and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

I John 5:1 says, “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God(Spirit): ad every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.